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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. We aren't in a "slow period". This website hasn't been updated with anythign substantial since the spring, if not last year.Macross Zero came and went, and you wouldn't have knwon it if you didn't read the grossly out of date message board, or caught some of Graham's magazine scans. The website, as a whole, is still living back in 2002/2003. 2005 is almost upon us. And, ah, Shawn puts out money for this every month. I think its disgraceful what has been allowed to happen.
  2. We all know you have the kid, Graham, and we all know Shawn has been very busy. We also know that this site costs money to keep going, and its not really going anywhere right now. Just sad to see it fall into this state.
  3. He sold out, and basically stole valkyrie toy designs to make the Masterpiece line.
  4. Thing is, I wasn't a "Rambo" type player in MGS 1&2. I would bust the gun out when need be, but I did my fair share of sneaking about. Its just rather difficult for me to do either in this game. I am not comfortable with the camera angles, which has caused me to get nailed more than a few times. When full out combat was needed, I found using the M16 to be a pain in the ass. Press the O button too hard, and instead of aiming you are firing at nothing, and press it too light, you are are staring at the enemy while they blast rounds into you. I HATE first person shooters. Why oh why did they change this aspect of the game? I am just pissed because it seems like it could have a good story, and the game itself seems to be very dynamic. I am just struggling very badly with it. I went from Front Mission 4 right into Ace Combat 5 and then GTA San Andreas. MGS3 comes up, and it flat out stopped me cold. Maybe this is what I get for never playing first person shooters.
  5. Are you paying the monthly fees for keeping this site running? I didnt think so. This place is called MacrossWorld for a reason. It has ceased to be so. As much as anybody I want Shawn to step up and do something. If he is busy then get someone else who is willing (and I bet there are plenty) to run the site. If not, shut it down, this place is quickly becoming a shell of its former self. Its almost embarassing. Oh, and on a side note, what exacrtly does Graham do around here besides getting toys for free so he can push the rest of us into buying them? His name is on the site, and he is a co-admin, yet he does no work on the site. Just wondering.
  6. I officially suck at this game. I can't get past the 4th or 5th part of the opening area. I could probably sit down and blow through MGS without any maps or guides in a few hours. MGS2 wouldn't be much more difficult for me. I just can't work with this game. The controls just seem too sloppy for me, and I hate first person shooters. I am just gonna have to put this game down for a month or two, give it a fresh start in February.
  7. Considering all that is really discussed around here these days is Metal Gear Solid 3, Ace Combat 5, and your random movie review, I just don't see why it is Shawn continues to put out his own money for this website. We all know it hasn't been updated in months, we all know he doesn't have time to, and things are pretty dead Macross wise these days. This place is about 5 seconds away from becoming Off-Topic World. I say find someone to run this place, or shut it down. Its almost insulting to what this place used to be to keep it on the bare minimum of life support. Shawn is just throwing away his money.
  8. I'd like to recommend High Plains Drifter and Pale Rider.
  9. Have you tried using the Falken against naval targets or clustered ground targets? You can wipe out an entire fleet in under a minute... a few sweeps of the beam, and its over. I own 2 at the moment, and am looking to purchase 2 more once I get back to the game (playing San Andreas and then MGS3).
  10. All planes unlocked and owned (not including the Falken). It costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 35,000.
  11. QAAM's aren't anywhere near as good in 5 as they were in 4. They are barely better than SAAM's.
  12. I wouldn't kick her out of bed I would, she has an attitude problem.
  13. Oh, and um, try not to pee yourself, mmkay?
  14. Star Wars Episode III Teaser Trailer in Quicktime
  15. Amen, brother.
  16. Ok, after finally watching Episode 5, I think you can stick me in with the "WTF was THAT?!" group. Where does this fit into the Macross continuity? Granted, its not flat out dumb like 7 was, and the battle scenes were amazing... this just didn't come across as being a "Macross" story. Maybe they decided to make Macross the new Gundam or something, lets just see how much we can screw with the story.
  17. No, its only a straight ahead beam. And the X-02 was a big disappointment for me in this game. Its half the plane it was in AC4.
  18. I've been a fan single the original game, and everythign I have heard from other AC fans is that the game wasn't worth my time. I don't think I've heard a single good thing about Nexus, and just alot of complaints. This is a tired series, and its time for somethign fresh.
  19. Unlocking the Falken is just about getting its 5 parts by destroying the red striped hangers. It'll run ya 826,000, but is worth every penny. My only problem with it is that the laser is piss poor when it comes to air combat, but on ground/naval targets, its absolute murder. Only a few more planes to go for the X-02!
  20. I guess they aren't playing with AonE anymore.
  21. Ah yes, the radar destruction stage. Took me about 6 tries before I got the hang of it. Use missles, fly up on your target fairly quickly, but hold off just enough, following the countdown. When you get down to 10, speed up on the target, and launch around 1 or 2. Once you get a feel for it, you'll be fine. If you get there too quickly, just do some slow turns until its time. Fair warning, there is alot more to the mission than that.
  22. The release date isn't the 25th, the 25th is the shipping date. It'll be in stores tomorrow.
  23. Ladies and Gentlemen... the Falken.
  24. Um, no Keith. Its called hypnotism and subliminal suggestion. This was all made rather clear, perhaps you should watch it again.
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