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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. This may help ease the pain a bit: TorrentSpy
  2. Boxtorrents.com is probably the best site I have seen when it comes to anime series, movies, oav, manga, etc. I believe they do soundtracks as well. Good stuff.
  3. Yeah, i'm using Loki and Isohunt right now, they're not bad. I used to rely on Suprnova for public stuff, and privately belonged to Filesoup and Phoenix, all of which have now shut down (as illegal torrent sites, anyways). What I'd like to find now is a really bang up private group. Atleast for anime we stlill have places like Boxtorrent (King of Anime Torrent Sites?).
  4. I dunno if he looks so much battle worn... more like he just moved into a new house and has been doing some paiting.
  5. Phoenix-torrents just closed their doors, too, and that was a private community. Only a matter of time for the next big site to pop up, though.
  6. Spike Lee is a clown, I don't see how anyone takes him seriously. Take Michael Jordan out of Spike's career, and he's a nobody filmmaker that no one has heard of.
  7. When you consider how big of a hockey fan McFarlane is, and his penchant for using the names of people he knows, its fairly reasonable to concluse the character's name comes from the real life Tony Twist. That said, as much as I don't like McFarlane, I do think this finding was pretty much BS. I don't see how anyone could confuse a comic book character with a former NHL player. Usually these sorts of rulings only happen when there is a clear similarity between the two entities. Here's one for you... There was a real John Rambo who fought and died in Vietnam. You can find his name on the Vietnam Memorial. The family never filed a lawsuit regarding the name and similarit.
  8. Did someone say something about just having a mpeg of the fight??
  9. No, she's just a scrawny little adult, now. Will somebody please feed these actresses?
  10. You can say that all you like, but I've seen that clip and that is indeed Natalie Portman. There is an ugly rumor going around that it is actually Agent One in a bikini.
  11. No body double was used in the film, and she shot scenes involving full frontal nudity. Mike Nichols later changed his mind on these scenes and decided not to use them in the film, as he was not comfortable with her nudity. This is not rumor, you can look it up.
  12. And then Lego Vadar took his large lightsaber and...
  13. Yeah, its kinda obvious Harmony Gold is going to pass this title over to their butt buddies, ADV. Credit for the work AnimEigo put into it will probably all but disappear.
  14. I always thought the GitS movie was everything that was wrong with big budget/theatrical anime at the time. Pretty to look at (though it was crap compared to Shirow's artistic stylings in the manga), but just boring as hell.
  15. Don't be an ass on MacrossWorld while drinking your juice in the forums.
  16. Yeah, well, the real question is, does his head follow soon after? I haven't read any spoiler stuff in a LONG time, and whatever happens in this scene, I dont want to know about it. So don't post it.
  17. Same problem here, and I have a good monitor and a good video card, both properly calibrated. About the rest, I dunno, sounds like potential Star Wars tentacle hentai.
  18. The T&A, obviously. Come on, the same as everyone else, cool transforming robots!! Plus it was anime (I didnt know the name for it at the time, but I definitely knew the distinct style by then).
  19. That list is crap. Whoever came up with this list has about as much taste as my penis.
  20. Oh, there's a shocker, none of the Matrix was original, and was ripped off from other movies/stories. Who would have thought??
  21. Nobody here but us Matrix haters.
  22. I've seen the ghosts, though the 50th anniversary thing is new to me.
  23. I think most people around here agree with me. I'd like to see Shawn find someone to work on and update both the main website and forum on a regular basis. Let's get this ship moving again before its dead in the water. MacrossWorld used to be THE website for english speaking Macross fans. No reason why it still can't be.
  24. I'm Duke Togo, I like to run my mouth without having any actual information on the subject. We don't have an admin. The site hasn't been updated in a long while, and don't expect it to be anytime soon. Just mess with the board's clock settings, you should be able to find one that works for you.
  25. The "Macross resource" isn't the website, its the fans who post here. If we all went back to AFM, it would quickly take the place of MacrossWorld in terms of being a resource.
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