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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Actually, you don't inhale cigar smoke... more likely mouth, tongue, or throat cancer.
  2. I like to smoke cigars.. I blow the smoke in the faces of all the little girly men who are too sissy to stop their crying and pick up the weights. Yeah, from what I hear, that's not all you smoke!
  3. What causes plastic to yellow? Two words: Harmony Gold Yes, they are that evil. Now all of the valk yellowing from the early 80's makes sense... Pay the royalties or pay the price.
  4. If you think that's trolling, you are as misinformed as he is.
  5. Ya know, the more I look at it, the more it looks like Harrison Ford isn't really in that shot.
  6. Sir Alec looks like a little old woman in that picture.
  7. Am I the only one who is surprised Harrison Ford showed up for that Vanity Fair shot?
  8. I wonder how big a cheer there will be when Kenobi chucks Anakin into the pit... Oh, you know the whole audiance will erupt.
  9. I'm a big Obi Wan fan here, too. Gonna be a glorious moment when he sends the "Chosen One" over the edge and into the lava. Obi Wan has been underrated for far too long. When it comes down to it, when the poo hits the fan, Obi Wan will be the last one standing.
  10. Who's to say he didn't? Has anyone seen a shot of the hand exposed in III?
  11. How old are you, 12? Have you ever heard of punctuation, capitalization, sentences... stuff like that?
  12. Sure, I guess if your idea of a good movie is American Pie, Scary Movie, and The Fast and The Furious. If your tastes are just a wee bit more refined, its quite clear the superiority of Phantom Menace.
  13. I also feel that Phantom Menace was the movie Lucas wanted to make, good or bad... it was his vision. I think Clones was a severe reaction to the backlash against Phantom Menace.
  14. Personally, I think Phantom Menace was a far supreriod movie than Clones. Put a good editor on Phantom Menace, and the movie would be looked at in an entirely different light. It has a better script with better performances, and just seems alot more coherannt than Clones.
  15. Oh, you're HOT dude, you bash the prequels using terms like "Revenge of the Sh!t". You are SOOOO cool. Hey, why don't you go on to tell us how AWESOME the Rings trilogy was.
  16. I've heard nothing good about Aero Elite.
  17. Same here, especially the duel between Anakin and Obiwan ! I kond of disagree. The very nature of this thread is chock full of spoilers. If you don't want spoilers don't click on a thread that says "Episode 3 PICS." Having Spoiler warnings posted every two posts will make this too difficult to read, and unnecessary since everyone know this thread is full of spoilers anyway. You missed my point. I would say just about everything posted here is fairly common knowledge if you are a Star Wars fan. My worry is about extreme spoilers, big time secrets or perhaps pictures that may spoil a good scene or a surprise. If someone had come out in '80 and spoiled the whole Darth Vader father thing, I would have killed them. That's a major saga spoiler. That's what I mean.
  18. Not a very inspiring picture. For some reason it makes me think of a shaggy dog that had a bucket of water dumped on it.
  19. I am starting to fear the appearance of something extremely spoiler in this thread. Most of the stuff here is common knowledge so far. Any chance we can get a huge warning before something does?
  20. Where the hell are all of these pictures coming from? Are these all from Hyperspace?
  21. Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4? "These last points, too acurate for Sand People... only Imperial Storm Troopers are so percise" Yet, in "The Phantom Menace"(I'm still getting used to the idea of a Star Wars film called The Phantom Menace) we see a Tusken Raider take out a Podracer with a sniper rifle. So the Stormtroopers must be really, REALLY accurate shooters, and just didn't want to show off in Ep.4-6. They did manage to hit 3PO and the Millenium Falcon in ESB and R2, Leia and some Ewoks in ROTJ, so give them a cookie for that! It was a lucky shot, and we don't actually know who he was aiming for.
  22. That's EU, not film canon. Like it or not, them's the facts.
  23. Um, no, its a matter of EU vs Official Canon. The films are law. Period.
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