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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor... TAKE HER AWAY!
  2. I assume the guy that Britai, Exodol, Max, and Hikaru are listening attentively is General Global? What? Are you not listening attentively as well?
  3. Your mother never breast fed you, did she?
  4. You can try here if the link still works: http://animejapan.cplaza.ne.jp/b-ch/specia...top_pv_500k.asx That is SICK! That was so sweet it made me crap my pants. Part cell shaded Xenosaga, part ZOE, and add in a dash of "bounce", and its got me drooling! Damn, son!
  5. Lynn Minmay, because I'm the one everybody loves to hate.
  6. Cell phones with all of these features are useless, I'm amazed how Europe and Asia get suckered in by these things. They say the US is lagging behind when it comes to cell phone tech on the market, I just think we have less useless crap.
  7. Heh, yeah like the calendar would fit on a normal desk top scanner. It's a pretty big calendar you know . Graham How big is it, Graham?
  8. I bet Keith likes them.
  9. Watching this makes you realize what a lost art hand drawn animation is becoming. It simply doesn't look like that or that good anymore. Hey hey, is it just me, or did I see an early example of the "Gainax bounce" in there?
  10. The only way this show ever gets done is as a MOSPEADA sequel that is marketed and released as such in Japan.
  11. This new series is basically a MOSPEADA sequel, right, and will be marketed in Japan as such?
  12. LOL, I don't know if I would call the Celica a sports car, more like a "sports coup".
  13. The Episode III opening crawl can be found on the official Star Wars website: Episode III: How It Begins
  14. That's goddamned brilliant. That's a keeper!
  15. Milk is a mod, i'm sure he can handle it.
  16. What, were they too old for ya, Keith?
  17. I am on my way to your house to beat you senseless.
  18. Fans are the ones that took midichlorion count as that. I always thought of it as a litmus test for force sensitives. I agree. We always knew that the Force was genetic, its made quite clear in the original trilogy. Any fan who comes out with "It was better when you thought anybody could use the Force" just wasn't paying attention. Now they want to use midichlorions to make it seem like the Jedi are Nazis.
  19. This is possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. When I saw it, I couldn't believe the man behind The Big Blue, La Femme Nikita, and Leon The Professional had produced such a pile of crap. I don't think I could have watched the entire movie if not for the Prince inspired performance by Chris Tucker.
  20. We are very close to someone just blowing a major spoiler in this thread. Please, everyone, if you are going to post something major, follow Pat Payne's lead. That's how its done.
  21. Yes, that is the one I have.
  22. I have a copy of that, with the disc flip, but the sound and video quality and just fine. I wonder what generation your tape is.
  23. I just realized where George is gonna blow this movie. Instead of just having Obi Wan send Anakin into the firey depths of the lava, he'll do one of those "bad guy is hanging on for his life, good guy offers to help him up, bad guys lets go instead". Ya know, Anakin realizes everything he has done in that one moment, and can't turn back, so he decides to let go and end his life. Lucas is going to steal that one moment, that one huge roar from the audiance when Obi Wan kicks Anakin's ass, and he'll throw us that cliche. You can just feel it.
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