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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Nevermind, JsARCLIGHT, the trolls killed the thread. You should start your own, though, see where it goes. Mods, lock it up, its dead.
  2. You thought his acting improved?? Maybe its just me, but he is one of those actors that has kept popping up in movies over the past 15 years, and I just can't figure out why.
  3. LOL, what a maroon. Its not my job to be Agent One, he's the Ego. I'm the Cynic. Hey, is it possible any of you toolbags can shut the hell up for just one minute and let the rest of us get back to the topic at hand. In other words, no comments from the peanut gallery. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say it at all. I'd like to repeat what JsARCLIGHT said:
  4. HG can't use Macross design for robotek without permission right? Didn't Big West say anything for this?. Thats probably the reason why they end up not using it on the final cover. It was never intended to be ont he cover as it was.
  5. Er, this coming from the guy who started this thread so rudely and childishly? Get over yourself man, you can bring up valid questions and comments without acting like an ass. "Is someone working on a skin? Is there any plan? What's going on here?" What rude or childish about that?
  6. I think just having a simple MW logo up there right now would go a long way.
  7. I'm sure you take comfort in that... I suppose there isn't anyone laughing at the fact you're considered a whiney whines a lot... And I'm sure you think whining is a lot more important than joining conversions in a more constructive manner. Oh, like you have here? How about this... YOU add something constructive pertaining to the topic at hand, OR SHUT THE HELL UP.
  8. This is supposed to be THE website for english speaking Macross fans, is it not? then why would qanyone not care if we come off as second class? And not to worry, JsARCLIGHT, there are plenty of users here who like me, they just don't feel the need to express it as much as those who don't like me... either that, or they are too busy laughing at the reactions of those who don't like me. Oh yes, they are being laughed at.
  9. Please, just Duke will do fine. And the last time I checked, this was a place to express opinions, and I did so. Perhaps you didn't notice, but Graham expressed similiar sentiments a few posts prior to this one. No comments for him? And hey, give Keanu a big kiss on the lips for me the next time you see him.
  10. Could not pay me.
  11. Gee, thanks for adding your insight to the thread, Exo. Very helpful, indeed. Now, I believe JsARCLIGHT was saying something intelligent, I think we should stick with that idea. We need some direction from one of our three admins here. They are the only ones who work with this board's code, and they are the ones who need to let us know what is or has to be done.
  12. Using the search function, I've pulled up all of your earlier posts, and more than half of these links you have provided are dead.
  13. If the movie industry is suffering like the music industry, its for the same reason: they are pushing crap on us that we don't like or want. Not only that, but they keeping insisting to us that this is what we like and want. And hey, am I the only one not duped by these "box office records" that seem to be broken every 5 minutes? They'll tell you, look, it made $400 million, when it cost $300 million to make! And on top of that, its with inflated ticket prices. In reality, when adjusting for ticket prices, "Gone With The Wind" is the top grossing movie of all time, followed by "Star Wars". None of these new movies have come close in ticket sales since Titanic.
  14. And it goes sailing right over your head... I should point out, there isn't any information on your website outsite of copyright information.
  15. He isn't charging you to view the site?
  16. It's his site man, he can do whatever the hell he wants to do with it. The internet doesn't owe you crap. Then why have a link to it in his sig, and continualy post these single pages here? Any AFM veteran can tell you this has been going on FOR YEARS. I don't get it, WJ would have an absolutely top of the list Macross site if he ever did something with it. There is no denying the content is amazing, its just frustrating as hell having waited years for this thing to still be teased with it. Show us the money!
  17. This and the Episode III thread are the two best we've had around here in ages. Love this stuff!
  18. Last time I checked, this is posted this under "Feedback for the staff". Feedback is exactly what I left. All you are doing is flapping your gums. So, does anyone with an IQ over 80 have anything to actually add to the topic at hand, or shall we just close this thread?
  19. Sounds kinky.
  20. Jesus Christ, what the hell has happened to everybody here? No one has a sense of humor anymore.
  21. Besides you, of course.
  22. And then they realize its just Basara, and there is much laughter.
  23. We are on topic, we are discussing your website. Why can we not access it, when you continually post single pages from it on this website?
  24. I think most people gave up when Shawn disappeared from the scene for 6 months. All your bitching and lack of sense of humor about my "whining" isn't helping start any sort of constructive discussion about a skin for this board.
  25. That's great, you found a pic. It doesn't quite answer my question, does it?
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