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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I've been asking him the same questions for 6 years. What changed?
  2. I've been pushing WJ hard for 6 years. Nothing ever changed. He left for his own reasons.
  3. Only fay men hang out at the gym.
  4. I'm a big supporter of Egan Loo. I wish he visisted the boards more often, but he always brings somethign great to table when he does. His was the first Macross website I ever found, and obviously THE site when it comes to Macross information.
  5. Why not Golgo 13 nailing the chick, while shooting Basara?
  6. Any real fanart of Golgo 13 would feature him both killing someone AND getting laid. Oh, and while saying nothing....
  7. Even though I liked TNG I'm not a Trek fan, but I know this much: that will never happen.
  8. Yes, but I am such a handsome and loveable shithead!
  9. Hey, where is the Golgo 13 art? How about some love!
  10. 1. I am a well known 6 year member of the english speaking Macross fan community. 2. I brought attention to and helped put a stop to the bootlegging of Macross products on MacrossWorld. 3. I brought attention to and helped put a stop to the posting of hentai on MacrossWorld. 4. I brought together and helped organize the anti-Harmony Gold movement on MacrossWorld during the height of the BW/HG dispute. We kept the behind the scenes news flowing. 5. Along with Agent One, I have been a voice of reason when discussing Macross 7 with some of the more delusional elements on MacrossWorld. 6. And gosh darnet, people like me. BoB, you need to get over the fact your hentai was not wanted here. You got in trouble because you wouldn't stop when they told you to, not because of anything I did. Move on.
  11. Nope, not a big deal, just wated to bring it to attention.
  12. Yeah, I guess posting a picture with Dooku with both hands chopped off with Anakin standing before him wasn't a spoiler or anything. And excuse me and the others who don't want the movie experience ruined for them. Standing orders are no spoilers in this thread that aren't common knowledge. Anybody has a problem with that, go to the other thread.
  13. He has been doing this for 6 years. He's redone that website 50 times, its had 50 different names, and kept coming back to us teasing us, telling us to just wait, just wait and you'll see everything. A month would turn into 2, then he'd say 6... next thing you know the site would be scrapped, and he'd be starting over again. Don't get mad at me, you didn't lose anything. Graham and friends have provided more in their magazine scans than we ever saw from WJ, and if you want info, go to the Macross Compendium. The 7 year outdated and abandoned Macross Mecha Designs has more to show than the NMMA, or whatever it is called these days, ever did. You want to blame somebody, blame WJ.
  14. How about you just do what the mods say, which is DON'T POST SPOILERS.
  15. Sounds fair to me.
  16. An hour and eleven minutes slow, to be exact.
  17. So then you go forward and post a spoiler that I and probably several other readers here didn't know. You dumb piece of sh!t. You should be banned just for being a complete and utter toolbag. When Max said, Don't post spoilers here. TheForce.net has a forum dedicated to that so people that can't live w/o spoilers can go there., WTF part of that didn't your small mind understand? Jackass, thanks for posting the spoiler without warning.
  18. roger-roger
  19. Goddamnit, watch the f*ckin spoilers. I swear to Christ, the next poster who goes as far as the Padme pic or farther is going to get absolute holy hell from me. WATCH THE GODDAMNED SPOILERS
  20. The Cylons have become organic (or techno-organic). Boomer and Six are almost entirely organic, and I suppose capable of bearing children. I'm not 100% down with this aspect of the story. Personally, I don't like the Six character. I find her wholely unattractive and out of place. Everytime she is on the screen I wish she would just go away. I understand the Terminator aspect they are going for here, you never know who is real. I'm just not satisfied with the people chosen for the roles of these new Cylons. And these new CGI Cylons... I'm sorry, but they are just nowhere near as cool as having some chrome and goldie Cylons trudging about.
  21. This is an admin only function, right?
  22. That's no robot... its a space station.
  23. Yes, it came with both printings of the Macross Gold Book.
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