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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Why do I always hear this? Why is it so hard to believe that some of us actually have some taste, and don't waste our time with crap like this? Ya know, some of us actually do have IQ's above 80. And its a real shame to see Jamie Foxx flushing his new found respectability as an actor down the toilet with a shitty film like this.
  2. Except there was no Metal Gear in it. Only in the MSX version.
  3. Maybe they shouldn't have been raping, torturing, burning, and killing their way through Asia and then Pacific then, huh? Anybody care to discuss the Japanese war crimes and crimes against humanity during World War II that rivaled Nazi Germany?
  4. Goddammit, I wish I had come up with that!
  5. You're just jealous you don't get to play with them, too.
  6. I concur, I enjoy playing with her tits too.
  7. Does the fanboy in the orange garbage bag come with it? Or do you have to puchase him seperately?
  8. Not to fear, Barbara Adams is here to assume command of the sinking Trek franchise. Or should that be "sunk"?
  9. Macross II and 7 have that affect on people. You know what they say, give me the clap once, shame on you, give me the clap twice, shame on me. Give me the clap three times, I'm never drinking with you again.
  10. I thought he said that he wasn't going to do a 4th. Atleast, no 4th game with his involvement.
  11. George Lucas as Baron Papanoida in Episode III. No I am not joking, and yes this is real.
  12. I have no recollection of you at all. But welcome back anyways.
  13. Jesus God, man, I've got 5 years on you. I saw the first Star Wars movies before you were even born!
  14. DYRL? was the amazing experience that brought me to Macross. Before it, I had very little interest in the series. Having watched Robotech in the mid 80's like most, it turned me into a MOSPEADA fan, to the point where I actually had a few of the original Japanese toys back then. So yeah, i'm right there with ya, its good stuff.
  15. I don't think its possible for that much crappy anime to exist in the same space/time continuum. It would cause a cataclysm of universal proportions, ending all life as we know it. Oh darn, I think I just crapped my pants.
  16. Now why would someone want to go do something silly like stop another atomic bomb? Where is the fun in that???
  17. The fact that it is French pretty much precludes it from being cool. It also pretty much assures that it is fairly lame.
  18. But Jean Claude Van Damme plays the role of the woman.
  19. (>EXO< @ Jul 9 2004, 12:36 PM) Ya don't say, EXO?
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