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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. "Lets Fire!"?..... hmmmmmmm. Sounds flaming. It burns when I pee!
  2. That would probably be more appropiate, yes. Good call.
  3. Personally, the only problem I see with Jem is that she is lacking a good avatar. This needs to be remedied.
  4. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is a hell of alot more Star Wars fans around here (or out there) than Trek fans. How about changing the subtitle to what it SHOULD say?
  5. The VF-19Kai/F/S/P does not even feature those pipes on the underside of the chest. They are specific to the YF-19/VF-19A. Graham You just can't see them because Basara is sitting on them. I always figured he was smoking them.
  6. Why, an entire season, Graham. You see, being that the franchise isn't doing well these days, the budgets, and thus the production value, had slipped way down down... It actually only costs three fiddy to make a single episode if Enterprise. That's right Graham, only three fiddy. That's US currency, of course. Hmmm, I don't suppose its filmed in Canada, is it? They could get more bang for their buck that way.
  7. If you love a trekkie, set them on fire
  8. Um, because nobody watches Stargate SG1? And, its MACGYVER, thank you.
  9. No. No they don't. I tell ya, if its not Macross 7 fans causing trouble, its the trekkies!
  10. Hey, talking about the state of MW, what about a board skin?
  11. I don't know what's worse... people who can speak elvish, or people who speak klingon.
  12. Hey, you never know! I had a member (now banned) once threaten me and challenge me to a "fight" at the next Bay Area MW meet. He sure showed me. Was it to be a duel at 12 paces???
  13. So it's some kind of big conspiracy? Psycho fangirl. Hey Duke, that picture is SWEET! Care to share any of those sexy shots of Derek Jeter hanging on your wall? Don't have any, but thanks for asking!
  14. Queer Eye for the Trekkie Guy
  15. That's just really sad. I'm sorry, has to be said, its pretty damned disturbing.
  16. Same here. And its not like the discs are hard to remove from the cases, they have those really light push down centers. They come out really smoothly for me. Then again, I still have my original Final Fantasy VII discs, without a scratch on them.
  17. No, he's still alive. I saw him in TV last year. he had that surgery where they extend your bones. He's 6'5 now.
  18. Justice, thy name is Hong Kong.
  19. Not enough human Cylons in it, apparently.
  20. This would be good if Schwarzenegger were in it. Oh, who am I kidding, nothing with Schwarzenegger in it is good.
  21. That part about it guaranteeing the show couldn't come back is false, by the way. The episode is structured so that if by some miracle a fifth season was greenlighted, this finale would not have any effect on that at all. Denial
  22. LOL, just ran across the ending of Enterprise on AICN. This series is NOT coming back, they pretty much killed any chances of that. Man, trekkies aren't going to be happy with this one, LOL.
  23. Either that, or you are desperately trying to hang on to a sinking ship.
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