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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Vader's position within the Empire is very vague in ANH. He can't overrule Tarkin (and Leia even has a quip to Tarkin about "holding Vader's leash"), but he seems to be able to do what he wants. I assume he answers only to the Emperor. Alderaan was indeed all Tarkin, though.
  2. I believe they're all mercenaries, so they have no real allegiance to the Rebel Alliance. That said, you know at least one of them is going to die. Because, drama.
  3. Wait, why are they all going to die? The mission is successful, obviously. You're thinking of the bothans who died getting the location of the new Death Star in Jedi.
  4. They've been making Gundam anime for almost 40 years. It's pretty much a cultural icon at this point. I'm not speaking to the quality of every production, but what's bigger than Gundam? It's like the Star Wars of anime. Full disclosure: I've never seen Gundam Note: this is OT and probably better left for discussion elsewhere. Maybe PMs.
  5. If not for the post here I would have never seen it. Nothing about it on /Film, FilmSchoolRejects, or TheForce.Net. Not one of my friends who are Star Wars fans mentioned it (which accounts for most of my friends). So, again, I say who cares?
  6. And is the most popular anime of all time and known world wide. Just sayin'.
  7. Everything I've heard about this movie is that is centers around a team, not any one person. It's an ensemble piece. I suspect the trailer was more of a marketing decision based upon the popularity of Rey than a accurate depiction of what happens in the movie. As far as leads go, whether it's a male or female doesn't matter to me. I just care that the movie is well done.
  8. Sure, but they're not in balance. One can point out the humor in the space tuna scene, but they can't forget that shortly thereafter Minmay proposes that instead of facing starvation, they throw themselves out into space to commit suicide together. Not so "ha ha."
  9. Renato, to this I would reply everyone needs to go back and rewatch the first four or five episodes. For every instance of Roy being a lecher and "no smoking on the bridge," there are ten instances of deadly seriousness. And yes, I understand that relative to animes x,y, and z from that period it might be more lighthearted, but to pass it off as some idol show with mecha (not you) is grossly inaccurate. They tackle serious issues in Macross, and deal with the high cost of war on a regular basis.
  10. They're talking about the anime, which Kawamori worked on.
  11. That's nonsense. A handful of episodes of light-heartedness don't set the tone for the entire series. Nothing says "whimsical" like an idol singer getting slapped around by her abusive manager/cousin/whatever, who is a drunk, while trying to rebuild civilization in the ruins of humanity. Good times. Or our hero's sempai bleeding out on the couch of his girlfriend. Or hundreds of thousands of civilians being obliterated in what amounts to a military accident when a shield overloads on our beloved SDF-1. Or any one of a thousand things that actually set a fairly serious tone for the series. Some of you guys really need to go back and rewatch SDF Macross (or, perhaps, watch it for the first time). Certainly, the franchise has evolved and diversified since then, but to say the original didn't have a serious tone is revisionist nonsense. Edit: heck, i totally forgot to mention that our idol was used as a weapon of psychological warfare.
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