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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Looks like its finally going PG-13 60 Minutes 'Star Wars' Goes To Hell (CBS) "Star Wars" goes to hell in its final episode, and the trip may cost it the PG rating that the previous five films have earned, says the series' creator, George Lucas. Speaking to Correspondent Lesley Stahl, the filmmaker provides a peek at the much anticipated movie for a report to be broadcast on 60 Minutes, Sunday, March 13, at 7 p.m. ET/PT. "I don't think I would take a 5- or a 6-year-old to this," says Lucas of "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." "It's way too strong." Lucas is referring to violent scenes in the film and also to Anakin Skywalker's journey to the dark side in the climax of the 30-year-old series. "We're going to watch him make a pact with the devil," Lucas tells Stahl. This new turn will include the former squeaky-clean Skywalker descending into Lucas' frightening vision of Hell, a mythical planet composed entirely of erupting volcanos. "Yes...the lava at the end...it ends in Hell," reveals Lucas. "[The film] is much more dark...more emotional. It's much more of a tragedy. My feeling is that it will probably be a PG-13, so it will be the first 'Star Wars' that's a PG-13." And that's fine with Lucas. "I could pull it back a little bit, but I don't really want to," he says. And Lucas says he isn't bothered by the withering reviews critics gave episodes one and two. "Actually, I am very happy," he says. "I'm very pleased with the whole thing."
  2. That's completely insulting to Band of Brothers. That's like mentioning Marlon Brando and Freddy Prinze Jr in the same sentence.
  3. I don't get it.
  4. I think using "good story" and "Trek" in the same sentence is some gross violation of international law or something. The mods might want to review that statement. Hippie!
  5. Figures Roy would show up once we staretd talking about testicles.
  6. ----------------------------------------------------- Smaller balls than before Smaller... Shriveled... Raisins -----------------------------------------------------
  7. Ah... You are just looking for an invitation to touch em!!! I know this trick. Chicks are always trying to find some logical excuse to touch my balls also. Chocolate salty balls?
  8. Eh, they should just quit while they're ahead. Too late, they are already behind.
  9. I was thinking "raisins".
  10. Well, his title really depends on whose penis that actually was.
  11. This movie will never be made. It wouldn't even crack 100 million if it was.
  12. Your head looks like a tomato.
  13. Having read this, I now have no idea what we're supposed to be talking about. H Macross Fight Club
  14. Yes, its called 'Super Dimension Fortress Macross". Perhaps you've seen it.
  15. Even though I know you are just being funny, if you and I were in the same room I would piss on your foot. Too late, I already did.
  16. What he said. Don't expect it to be until AFTER the OC has aired. Don't let FOX sucker you into to watching the whole thing. I wouldn't be surprised if it leaked today, though. One way or the other, it will be all overt the internet for download tomorrow night.
  17. I think this Trek thing has warped your mind, Major. They've been talking about the activity about Mt St Helens for months. Hell, didn't this all start last fall, maybe last summer? This isn't a surprise to anyone. If anything, its almost a non-event.
  18. Its because its not a sequel. We all wanted one, and what we got instead was Aim for the Top "2005". Once again, I think its too early to say whether it is good or bad.
  19. One without spoilers would be nice.
  20. The thing is, Graham, is that 2 is exactly what the original was, a homage piece to the 15 or so years of anime that proceeded it. It has everything we've seen come and go since the original came out, including Sailor Moon's talking cat. Its basically one big anime cliche. That's all it is mean to be. I think all of us were looking for a sequel to the original, when this is infact nothing more than a modren re-imaging. I can't say whwether it is good or bad yet, I've only seen one episode. I'm waiting for the second to be subbed, and well, really waiting to see the entire thing before passing judgement. I gave Macross 7 50 episodes or whatever of whatching before declaring it crap, I can give Aim for the Top 2 a few more OVA's.
  21. It was working when I posted it. From what it says on the page, it sounds like they've been having problems with it. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7132927/ MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. - Mount St. Helens released a towering plume of ash Tuesday, its most significant emission in months but one that seismologists did not believe heralded any major eruption. The volcano has vented ash and steam since last fall, when thousands of small earthquakes marked a seismic reawakening of the 8,364-foot mountain. Late afternoon television footage showed the plume billowing thousands of feet into the air, then drifting slowly to the northeast. The ash explosion happened around 5:25 p.m., about an hour after a 2.0 magnitude quake rumbled on the east side of the mountain, said Bill Steele, coordinator of the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network at the University of Washington. Steele said he did not believe the explosion had increased the risk of a significant eruption and noted that recent flights over the volcano’s crater did not reveal high levels of gases.
  22. Its the same thing that has been going on for months. The 1980 eruption, this isn't. Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam
  23. Its it just me, or is that Willem Defoe sitting behind her in that picture?
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