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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm done with Helo, too. He's obviously dead meat, the Galactica is long gone. Kill him off and be done with it. OR The Pegasus comes in and kicks major ass, rescues his sorry self, and roars off towards the Galatica.
  2. You're such an asswipe. Star Wars fans aren't exactly known for their toughness. Most of them are still living at home in their parents basement (whining about George Lucas) and still virgins. Like most Star Trek fans. LOL, you seem to have mistaken the number of Star Trek fans with the number of Star War fans. Rather like comparing the Milwaukee Brewers to the New York Yankees. Whether you liked the prequels or not, most people adored the original trilogy. Hell, even my Grandma likes Star Wars. Everyday people, those who you work with, those who you pass on the street, even people in your own home are Star Wars fans. Trekkies, well, Trekkies are just plain pussies.
  3. Trouble maker! I knew it! I bet you put my penis in your avatar there, too!
  4. Trekkies are pussies.
  5. The Jedi Council Forums The largest Star Wars fan community on the internet. Say, what MacrossWorld could be if anyone were running the ship.
  6. Lets put some rockets in it, and see how high it goes.
  7. I wanna see more shite getting blowed up. And for the love of the Gods, get rid of that blonde Cylon. She is such a gimmick (and an unattractive one at that), its beyond distracting, its plain annoying. We know what all the Cylons look like, the suspense is over! Bring on the Pegasus!
  8. Has anyone else noticed how much Agent's avatar looks like a human tomato?
  9. ......You didn't like gunbuster??? Now I understand why Yamato cut him off.
  10. Ah, I believe we found our woman.
  11. Ah, even if they did, you can't see the good stuff anyways, they always censors the naughty bits.
  12. Ya, but can you jack cars in the game?
  13. You're just jealous because your mom swallows with me, and she spits with you.
  14. You mean the DVD sets, right? Not actual production costs? Paramount likes ripping Trekkies off. Always has. Ah, my bad.
  15. How does that make sense? The fans weren't paying for the show, Paramount was, the stations were, and the advertisers were. You make it sound like they were walking into their homes and forcing them to pay out of their own pockets.
  16. I think there would be more of a danger of him ripping Mari in half like a phone book, just to prove how strong he is. Man, no love for the east coast.
  17. And would make NO money whatsoever. It wouldn't surprise me if they actually lost money on it. If they made a strictly DS9 movie, yeah, it wouldn't do so hot. If they made a crossover though, as promethuem5 suggested, and marketed it as a TNG movie with some stuff from DS9 (even if it wound up being a DS9 movie with some stuff from TNG), it shouldn't do any worse than the last four Trek movies. Granted, $43 million (Nemesis) at the box office isn't all that hot... They probably spent 43 million to advertise nd promote the movie.
  18. Correct me if I am wrong, buit aren't most of the scenes in this "extended edition" incomplete, missing special effects and such? I was also under the impression Lynch wanted nothing to do with this release, and its pretty much a studio cut, and not a director's cut.
  19. And would make NO money whatsoever. It wouldn't surprise me if they actually lost money on it.
  20. Its not the full aspect ratio Hyperspace version, so I don't think its a problem.
  21. For 99 bucks, I would say yes.
  22. The franchise has been dead for a decade, they just don't know it yet. Don't they understand no one cares anymore?
  23. Has anyone mentioned "They Live"?
  24. Singer is a douche bag. How long can he going to live off of The Usual Suspects?
  25. Some fool Techie stole them while he slept.
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