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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Jesus man, someone better break out the Yoshinol!
  2. Yes, according to Kawamori himself as of 1995, he had yet to watch Macross II. I'm guessing that if he had yet to watch Macross II by then, he probably hasn't since. He's a busy guy, and I doubt he really cares enough to watch it. Wow, and interview 10 years ago. Its amazing how he repeated many of the same ideas AND music in Macross 7 that were in Macross II. Obviously he had no clue where they came from!
  3. At an all-day work conference. And now about to sit down for dinner. Bannings will be implemented after I've had food. Even if they edit their posts now it's too late. I know who's going to be without MW for a week. That is all.
  4. He just posts that whenever Macross II is being talked about to get a rise out of people. Take no notice. I post it because its true. Anyone who has seen both can tell you that, its glaringly obvious.
  5. Er, where'd you get that from? has Kawamori ever stated that Macross 7 was influenced by Macross II, or let alone, that he's even SEEN Macross II? You have seen both Macross II and Macross 7, correct?
  6. Was a comic, awesome cartoon... went nowhere because it was too good. "WOW, this cartoon is AWESOME! We should put it on either at 6 AM Saturday morning, or 12:30 PM in the afternoon! Yeah!"
  7. The movie is called "Stealth" because that is what is going to happen to Jamie Foxx's new found respectability as an actor... it'll just vanish.
  8. Macross II will probably end up being most famous (or infamous) for being the inspiration behind Macross 7. Unfortunately, Kawamori's version wasn't anywhere near as good as the original, and that's not saying much.
  9. [wearily] Duke, you want to rename everything on this board to "Crap", or something related tp "Crap". Give it a rest already. [/wearily] Your lack of an avatar is crap, as is this movie.
  10. Starting a petition to rename this thread "'Crap' aboard USS Abraham Lincoln".
  11. I gave in, downloaded Part 2. BEST... SCI-FI... EPISODE... EVAR Holy shite in a handbasket. The next paragraph may be spoilerish, you have been warned. **** Having seen the entire first season, it seems to me like the Colonies are something akin to the Roman Empire, the Cylons are the Jews. Haven now been given the first glimpse of the Cylon's "Christ Child", you have to ask yourself... is Baltar to be Constantine, or is he to be Judas to this new "Christ" and the Cylons? ****
  12. This is MOSPEADA 2. For all of their fighting over Macross, HG has gone strictly MOSPEADA for this one. I am guessing this will be shown in Japan as MOSPEADA 2, and we will probably see a subbed US DVD release of the show, to go along with the ADV MOSPEADA set. This is Robotech in reverse. Exactly what HG original did, but now going the other way around.
  13. No, but we should. Trekkies are like pedophiles... they think its so natural to love it, and they simply can't understand why everyone else hates it.
  14. Stage Deli is superior to the Carnegie Deli.
  15. Hey, have we bashed any Trekkies in this thread yet?
  16. Stage Deli - get the Cheesecake. Hit the Yankees Clubhouse store. Mickey Mantle's has great onion rings. I think I may swing by where you are staying, take you back to my house, and have my way with you.
  17. That would be too good for them to even think of. It would be pure genius.
  18. The poor chicken has a peg leg!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR, Matey!
  19. I am just waiting for Baltar to get his own Basestar so he can wear one of those old school Cylcon helmets on his head.
  20. Oh, great, magazine scans from 2 years ago, here's a cookie. I suspect Windjammer is running the site these days.
  21. Is that why I keep finding my valk in my wife's nightstand? Man, its not funny. My bottle of Astroglide leaked onto my first edition copy of The Old man and The Sea. That's a $300 book, man. I was NOT happy, those snap tops suck. I find Astroglide is good for general play, but you have to take out the KY jelly when you are going to put it where she really needs it.
  22. This should get stickied.
  23. He touched my pink parts.
  24. There are most likely more David Hasselhoff fans in the world than Star Trek fans. That doesn't say much for Star trek, does it?
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