Far more popular? In what universe is this, Keith? I'm sorry, I must have missed the major motion picture, toyline, and other series spun off of Macross 7. Care to point them out of me?
Well, there was teh macross 7 "movie"
The OVA series
The manga spin-off
The toys and models
The video game
The best selling musical CDs in the Macross series?
Maybe not more popular than the original, but damn close.
LOL, Macross 7 movie. Completely on par with DYRL. Ah yes, the OVA about naked kids and space whales... which has been seen by a fraction of the people who have seen Plus. Toys, models, and video games? You surely are not talking about that Gameboy game, are you? Or the two crappy Bandai hunks of plastic that are supposed to pass as toys? Oooo!, and the pink Valkyrie model with the tits!
I mean, come on, lets be serious here. Your attempt was laughable.