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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Oh, The Duke's kick ass moment of the entire film: The Jedi Kid taking on a squad of Clone Troopers by himself infront of Bail Organa at the Jedi Temple, and kicking much ass. Maybe the only time during the entire film where everyone cheers. God, this was a depressing movie, wasn't it...
  2. In the screenplay, Yoda mentions this about Jedi ghosts and Qui Gon: "The secret of the Ancient Order of the Whills, he studied." Don't see why this wasn't left in, either. It doesn't seem so much like an after though that way. How to join the Force, he will train you. Your consciousness you will retain, when one with the Force. Even your physical self, perhaps. Even your physical self, perhaps... sounds alot like what Sidious was telling Anakin about Darth Plagus, cheating death. People are asking now, how does Anakin learn this power? Your answer is in the screenplay.
  3. I just went through the script, he doesn't make an appearance in it, either.
  4. I'll say it again, where the hell was Qui Gon Jinn? That would have been a BIG moment in the film, even at its end... all I can figure out is that they couldn't get Liam Neeson to do it. A must have moment that they dropped the ball on. You know, they say "Kashyyyk" in Knights of the Old Republic, and they say it there as I always have, "Ka-shick". In RoTS, they pronounce it "Ka-shiek", which I don't like as much. I don't even know if Samuel L said it correctly.
  5. Yes, so shut up.
  6. Luke asks Leai if she remembers her real mother in ROTJ, I believe they were referring to Padme' Does he say "real mother"? I don't remember that. As far as I know, Leia would have no reason to believe Organa wasn't her real mother.
  7. You'll love it, Keith. It almost went by too fast. It seemed much shorter than its running time, the movie just never slows down.
  8. BTW, I dont' want to hear anybody ripping the "Frankenstein" scene. it was pure homage, and I loved it. And I do believe its very possible that Bail's wife may be the mother Leia is remembing. There is no mention of her in the OT, only her father. She probably died when Leia was young.
  9. Your girlfriend is retarded.
  10. I loved this movie, even though it left me feeling kinda down. I found parts of it to be very disturbing, much more so than I expected. I had four problems with the film: 1. Natalie Portman mailed in her third Star Wars performance in a row. Her "look I'm choking" scene was horrible, as was the birth scene. 2. Not enough Kashyyyk. 3. Yoda's line something like, "into exile I must go". Gee, thanks George. Thanks for explaining that to us. The line seemed very out of place. 4. Where was Liam Neeson? How can you bring up Qui Gon Jinn at the end, and not have him appear? That would have been a great scene. After everything that has happened, it would have been like a ray of hope, a bright moment after some very dark times. What did I love? Oh, just about everything else. Hayden Christensen did a great job, as did Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid. The C-3PO jokes were gone, but we had just the right amount of R2 to make it seem right. Man, was this movie disturbing, though. The Anakin lava scene really moved me, it was almost rough to watch. Overall, I was very happy. I'll say this, though, this movie should have been the entire Prequel Trilogy. It easily could have been expanded and more fleshed out into three films.
  11. That was seriously disturbing. No shite PG-13, that was messed up. I love the movie, but I didn't walk out of the theater feeling good. Man, that was messed up.
  12. You're right, Ridley's better. NO SCHWARZENEGGER = NOT A GOOD MOVIE. Star Wars doesn't have Schwarzenegger in it. The Godfather doesn't have Schwarzenegger in it. Batman & Robin DID have Schwarzenegger in it, though.
  13. You're right, Ridley's better.
  14. I was never under the impression it was supposed to be historical. I wouldn't put it in the same category like Braveheart, which claims to be historical yet is wildly inaccurate.
  15. It reminds me of the orbital frames from ZOE. I think it's a pretty slick design. I agree. I like it more for robot mode than fighter mode.
  16. Macross Plus basically put Manga on the map, didn't it? It was the first time I ever heard of them, I remember seeing their booth at a con in NYC with Macross Plus stuff all over it (the first time I had actually heard of Macross Plus), and was like, WOAH, what's this?
  17. Not reading any spoilers, but I got my tickets today. 10:15 AM showing on the 19th in Danbury, CT.
  18. Some of these people are actually saying its the best out of the 6 films.
  19. So, ok, come on now, how about some wallpaper scans!
  20. Ho hum, this thing will still lag behind the Playstation 3 by tens of millions of units sold. I'd go so far to say the Playstation 2 will be outselling this console when it is relased.
  21. WoW is the MMPORG to play, from everyone I have talked to.
  22. I've never heard a single good thing about SWG, which is a shame. Otherwise, I'd be playing it.
  23. I dunno, I saw this Star Trek porn back in the 80's where the ship was a giant dildo... they had a pretty kick ass crew. I vote for them.
  24. So, what, they all combine into some big super robot, right?
  25. I have a question. In ANH, Kenobi refers to Anakin as "a good friend", and genuinely seems to mean it. All I have seen so far in the prequels is that Obi Wan thinks he is an arrogant pain in the ass, and Anakin hates being under him. Course, I guess you can add that in with the whole Yoda being "same Jedi Master who instructed me"... well, until Qui-Gon was written into the story. Ooopsie. I don't buy the whole "younglings" explaination, either. George just blew the continuity.
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