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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You forgot the part about challenging the poster's sexuality.
  2. Of course, this doesn't account for inflation. The original film made 1.1 billion domestically in adjusted dollars. In pure ticket sales, we've never seen anything like it since.
  3. A very accurate statement.
  4. I think its pretty safe to say Hurin has ruined this thread for everyone wanting to discuss Episode III. Good job.
  5. They can't hear ya, March, they have their fingers in their ears.
  6. You do realize three Star Wars movies have come out since RotJ, right?
  7. Uh, I may be wrong, but I think it takes place between III and IV. H I maybe wrong too... i could be confusing other projects like the clone wars cartoon to the TV series... In any case I tried to avoid anything to SW prior to seeing this movie. I read the Kevin Smith and Mark Hammil article by chance and I couldn't stop reading...but I skimmed over it... no self-control It takes place between III and IV. This has been confirmed.
  8. There is nothing about Macross 7 worth sitting through 52 episodes for.
  9. Actually, I believe I called you a "fanboy".
  10. Why do you come here, Hurin? To NOT discuss Macross? Ohhh, we are discussing a plot point! That makes us geeks! No more discussing Star Wars, folks! Only geeks do that! We must post this in the Macross section, so all non-geeks know not to discuss anything about Macross. So tell us, Hurin, what can us non-geeks discuss? Maybe we need a world affairs forum, or maybe a sports forum on MacrossWorld. Maybe a forum dedicated to cars, and another for hot women. How about a hardware forum? Manly, non-geek stuff.
  11. The thing is, it doesn't come off as a 2 1/2 hour movie. It flies by, and by the time it was over I had to check my watch, I couldn't believe that much time went by.
  12. Sure there is, but you aren't fooling me into believing that you can see some "gray area" here. You can't have an open discussion with Prequel Hater/Raped Childhood fans. They've entered into the same twisted reality inhabited by women who show up for jury duty dressed up as a Federation officer and people who get married with the vows in Klingon. Its a movie, its not real!
  13. What gets me is ask any fan after seeing the movie, and ask them about not seeing Qui Gon. Is there anyone who doesn't agree having him appear at the end wouldn't have gotten the biggest applause of the entire film?
  14. Hey, let's not forget how God awful Mark Hamill was in the original trilogy, especially in Jedi. His performance in Jedi is probably one of the all time great wooden performances ever. Harrison Ford mailed in that movie, too. Who whines more... Luke in ANH or Anakin in AoTC?
  15. Classic, you just made my "Awesome People" list. Using The Duke's favorite Star Wars line earns big points with The Duke. The Qui Gon scene is not in the shooting script, but from what I understand its in the book. Neeson had agreed to record audio for Episode II, but it turned out they were able to rework audio from Episode I for the lines they needed. So, who is to say if George even asked him to be in III?
  16. Cut scenes, from the "Making Of Revenge of the Sith" book, by way of DarthyMarkyMark on the Jedi Council Forums. 6, 7, 8-14, 25, 30, 32, 37-41: FedCruiser scenes cut (Grievous killing Shaak Ti, the Jedi using their lightsabers to escape GG, underwater swim, climb through shaft, many of R2's hangar gags, many Palpatine cliffhangers) 48: Mace greets Palpatine and the Jedi right after the crash-landing 56: Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace discuss the Dark Side in Yoda's quarters 60: Bail and fellow Senators speak about the Senate 68-69: Obi-Wan tells Padme of his worries about Anakin and that he knows they're in love 71: Meeting with Organa, Mon Mothma and Padme 73: Anakin informs Palpatine that Obi-Wan soon will have Grievous' head 74: Jar Jar greets Anakin at Senate 75: Anakin confronts Padme 76-77: Republic cruiser arrives at Utapau 83: Obi-Wan chooses his lizard, Boga 86: Mace talks to Yoda on Kashyyyk, telling him of his plans to arrest Palpatine 88-89: Padme presents to Palpatine the Senators' petition 93: Utapau windmill 121: "crazy" Yoda and Chewbacca ambush an AT-ST 176: Yoda lands on Dagobah
  17. Holy shite, I completely agree with you again.
  18. Sound like us Red Sox fans...... Except when Red Sox fans get what they want, they still bitch bitch bitch about it.
  19. You know what's going to be funny... the PS2 will be outselling the Xbox 360 when its released.
  20. Seamen on deck, watch your step! This may get slippery...
  21. No he's not. He's EXACTLY what he is complaining about, except he hates Lucas for "raping his childhood". The "raping my childhood" fans are worse than the ones who dress up and bring lightsabers to the movies with them. They think Lucas, or Star Wars, or somebody owes them something for being a fan. When they don't get what they want, they bitch bitch bitch about how much everything sucks, and how bad Lucas is, and how every so called "apologist" has their faces buried in Lucas' ass. Its a frigging movie, grow up and get a life.
  22. I completely agree with you on this point.
  23. Don't let the door hit you on your way out, fanboy.
  24. I don't quite know where to start here. Ok, let's see... You can't blame Christensen for Portman's shitty performance. He portrayed plenty of emotion in the movie, its just some of the scenes with Portman, her mailed in performance clearly has an impact on the entire scene. I don't see any plot holes with Obi Wan and the droids. If anything, Guiness comes off as knowing all, and telling very little. This is without him knowing the real truth to begin with. Go back and watch those scenes now, it definitely comes across as if he is holding back this great secret. And how does Uncle Owen get pulled into this? How many protocol droids look like C-3PO? I mean, in that time period they all do, we've seen countless numbers of them in the Star Wars saga. And you have issue with a droid that was in his presence 20 years before for a brief period of time, that looks like thousands of other droids? And Leia's mother, who is to say who she is remembing there, it may be the Queen of Alderaan. Plus, she is a Force adept, she very well may have had visions of her mother. I find it funny you rip Palpatine, when he is the one character that people who have bashed Sith actually think was great. What does Obi Wan getting knocked out after be thrown into a wall have to do with him being able to defeat Anakin? Your reasoning is silly. Does being able to take a blow to your head against a metal wall after being thrown what, 50 to 100 feet, have anything to do with your ability to use the Force or a lightsaber? As for Tarkin, Vader, and the Emperor, I don't think its much of a secret that Vader became almost useless to the Emperor after the damage he received during the fight with Obi Wan. Once Luke's presence became known, the Emperor hoped to have Luke replace Vader.
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