No, but thanks for playing. And you play off the Jedi as this group of innocents, while the Prequels show that obviously to not be the case. They are more concerned with their dogma and their place in things than the will of the Force. And the Sith don't use the Force to further their own agenda, the Dark Side of the Force controls them. Once you start down the Dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Once you give in to the Dark Side of the Force, you become bent to its will, not your own.
I won't go as far to say the Prequel Jedi are corrupt, but they are certainly out of touch with the Force. Qui Gon is considered a maverick and a rebel because of his beliefs, but he himself is redeemed at the end of Sith, as Yoda recognizes the mistakes they made, and the wisdom of what Qui Gon believed in. You play down "the Living Force" because you are stuck in the Original Trilogy. The Force is not good or bad, it is the Force. Its gray, and there is where the balance lies. What Obi Wan and Yoda teach Luke in the Original trilogy are the teachings of Qui Gon.