I finally got the chance to see Episode III for a second time today. So, what can I say about Episode III that I haven't already said? Well, I actually like it more than I did the first time, and I loved it the first time. Some of the things that bothered me a little on first viewing don't bother me this time around. Without a doubt, some of my all time favorite Star Wars moments happen in this film. You don't even need Episodes I & II anymore, all you need is III. And man, if I wasn't more disturbed by some of the events in the film this time around than the first. Very powerful. And, it may be blasphemous to say this, but its my second favorite Star Wars film, next to Empire. Yes, I like it even more than the original. I don't have to try to find good things about this movie, I don't have to try to like it (*cough* Episode II *cough*). I love it, I simply love it.
BTW, I still have yet to see the Millennium Falcon. I keep looking, and I keep missing it.