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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The Millennium Falcon
  2. If I were to rank them, not as films but as to which I like the most to least: Empire Sith Hope Menace Jedi Clones Special Edition Jedi would actually be last in my list, I am going by the original cuts.
  3. You give a whole new meannig to the term "ass clown". http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/pr...0526/index.html And it's not just a non-descript Corellian freighter; it's on good authority -- namely George Lucas -- that this is the infamous hunk-of-junk before it came into the ownership of either Lando Calrissian or Han Solo.
  4. Lucas says that its THE Millennium Falcon. so that proves that maybe? maybe not? again, until i hear/see/read the words from GL himself, i ain't buying it. Its on SW.com, you can read it for yourself.
  5. Lucas says that its THE Millennium Falcon.
  6. I finally got the chance to see Episode III for a second time today. So, what can I say about Episode III that I haven't already said? Well, I actually like it more than I did the first time, and I loved it the first time. Some of the things that bothered me a little on first viewing don't bother me this time around. Without a doubt, some of my all time favorite Star Wars moments happen in this film. You don't even need Episodes I & II anymore, all you need is III. And man, if I wasn't more disturbed by some of the events in the film this time around than the first. Very powerful. And, it may be blasphemous to say this, but its my second favorite Star Wars film, next to Empire. Yes, I like it even more than the original. I don't have to try to find good things about this movie, I don't have to try to like it (*cough* Episode II *cough*). I love it, I simply love it. BTW, I still have yet to see the Millennium Falcon. I keep looking, and I keep missing it.
  7. I have the old figure, and it looks nowhere near as good as this one. I'd go as far to say the old one is a piece of crap.
  8. I'm pretty sure in one of the novels Wedge flat out states that he's not related to the good Captain. the novels are EU, they aren't canon.
  9. Antillies is *supposed* to be a fairly common Corellian name, kinda like Smith or Jones. But, its widely reported that Denis Lawson was offered the role of Captain Antilles in Episode III, which would lead you to believe...
  10. From what I understand, the original novel states that the Tantive IV is of Corellian origin. Take that with a grain of salt, the novels are practically EU.
  11. Isn't Captain Antilles the dude who gets his neck snapped by Vader in the first few minutes of ANH. Yeah, that's him. He seems to be another one of these characters that the Prequels have messed with age wise. He doesn't seem to age much between III and IV, while Obi Wan aged what, 30 years? And there are only 20 years between the two episodes?
  12. That's not what I've heard. First off, we don't know where Captain Antilles is from. Secondly, why would he ask DENIS Lawson to play the character if there was not to be some relation? Third, its not a re-used name, Captain Antilles was mentioned in the Original Trilogy. Now Bail Antilles, he is from Alderaan.
  13. They are related, they are not the same person. Lucas had asked Denis Lawson (Wedge) to play the role of the older Antilles, but he turned it down.
  14. I am all over this toy! That's a must have.
  15. That's what Lucas himself has said, which is one of the reasons why I am so wary of the EU.
  16. How about this... You're an asspipe, pardon my french.
  17. LOL, hardly. And I am SO glad to see the federal government spending so much time fighting this copyright infringers, instead of focusing on less important matters, such as securing our borders and terrorism.
  18. Ok, this is sad. Now they are ranking top 5 day openings, top 6 day... what the hell? Are we just going to keep rankings on every day its top? Jesus Christ, do these people not have something better to do with their time (like posting about cartoons on a message board or something...)?
  19. My only problem here is that after actually taking the time to look into other discussions and debates on this topic elsewhere, its quite clear that neither the movies nor Lucas have been quite clear (no matter what Hurin thinks).
  20. Are we talking outside of his voice here? I don't recall actually seeing him in the movie.
  21. Having read all of that (for what reason I don't know), outside of maybe one or two instances where I could have worded things better, I have no clue where you are getting all of that from. That said, there isn't a chance in hell I am going to respond to all of that, point by point. I'm not that farting dumb.
  22. I found a thread just for you, Hurin: http://boards.theforce.net/The_Star_Wars_S...6/12176359/?154 Go have fun.
  23. While we are on the subject, I just upgraded my CPU, mobo, and VPU on Monday. I'm now running a Powercolor Radeon X800 XL 256Bit/256MB VIVO PCI-E card. Love it.
  24. I'd recommend the Radeon 9600 XT 128Bit/256MB.
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