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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Oh please, can we not drag the prequels into this discussion? It makes a mess and a mockery of the continuity of the OT. As does Rebels, for that matter, which introduces A-Wings (as their main fighter!!) and a B-Wing several years BBY. You have to remember that X-Wings and Y-Wings were old when the Rebellion used them in the original Star Wars (this is the original canon, not the EU or prequel nonsense). One of the Rebel pilots even dismisses the viability of using the X-Wing in an attack on the Death Star, calling it a "stunt fighter." The Rebellion had these craft because it's all they could get their hands on. One assumes that they got their hands on the newer, more advanced A-Wings and B-Wings as more systems flocked to their cause after their huge success at the Battle of Yavin. As for what the Resistance is flying, they're lucky to even have the newer X-Wings. What we saw in TFA is literally everything they have, and they lost half of their ships in their attack on Starkiller Base. I assume with the government of the Republic being wiped out along with their main fleet, the Resistance is going to try to get their hands on whatever they can to fight back.
  2. I stole this from someone on Kotaku: "If you look at the extra notes from Masamune Shirow in the compiled Manga release of the original books, the author himself mentions that a lot of it is based on Western characters and society, rather than Japanese, simply because he was heavily interested in it."
  3. Who wouldn't be interested in Macross fightwes?
  4. None of the EU is canon (nor was it ever), and they've always been very open about taking bits and pieces from it and inserting them into the canon when it suited their needs. Everyone? You do realize that only a small percentage of fans have even dabbled in the EU stories, don't you? And even when they have, it's only a small portion of the entire EU content. If they know anything from the EU, it's likely Revan. Some may know or have heard of Thrawn. But the rest of it hasnt ever reached a large level of exposure. Please no. Most of it is bad, and barely above the level of mediocre fanfiction. As to the other discussion taking place, why does it seem so strange that an A-Wing or B-Wing might show up in the next movie? How long has the U.S. been flying Eagles, Falcons, and Hornets? This isn't Macross where they develop a new fighter every four years.
  5. It was nonsensical, like the rest of the episode. I don't even know how he got in the air with little to no flight training. Perhaps the AI handled it? This was a step back from episode 2.
  6. Which supports my point. This is all very creator/character designer dependent, but the history of anime is littered with Asian characters who clearly do not look Asian. Shirow does not draw the Major with a distinctly Asian look--or even close to one, really.
  7. LOL, no, and neither should you. I assume you said that without really thinking about what it was you were saying (not meant as an insult).
  8. Reviews rarely affect the box office of big properties, and those movies don't get green lit without a name attached. "Good casting" doesn't get a movie made or drive audience interest. While it's not always so cut and dry, that's generally the truth of things. As to the casting of this movie, I'd have more of an issue with it if so many of the characters we see in anime didn't look more western than asian. I'll throw a fit over the westernization of the 47 Ronin, but anime is just different.
  9. He can do four because it's all green screen and mocap work. He can film all four together with no location shooting and no traveling. By-in-large they're animated films.
  10. Devil's advocate: outside of the first movie, Kusanagi hasn't looked the least bit Asian in either the manga or anime. That goes for characters in most anime and manga, for that matter. Outside of SJ being cast, I know nothing about this production, and I wouldn't expect much more than a cgi crapfest out of this thing.
  11. I get what you're saying, but it's not like we haven't all seen Japanese movie trailers before.
  12. Affleck has talent. I'll be interested to see how this develops.
  13. That's not a good trailer. At all. It's like it was made by someone who had never seen a movie trailer.
  14. Rogue One is still an ensemble piece. I wonder if there will be any backlash from the uninformed when she turns out to not be the main character the teaser made her out to be.
  15. Liked this episode better than episode 1. I was going to call BS on the whole thing until it was revealed that, HAHA, Hayate can't fly. Has no clue how to. They actually avoided the whole "novice can pilot the most badass mecha ever" trope. I have to give them props for that. I do take some issue with Mirage being less than a genius as a pilot. And speaking of tropes, the Walkure girls are as cliched as they get.
  16. We have that shot of Wun Wun bursting through the gates of Castle Black...
  17. Is everyone of the same mind that Tormund and the Wildlings would only follow Jon into battle against the Boltons?
  18. Season 6 trailer 2. Notice Davos, Ghost, and friendly members of the Watch defending Jon's body from his killers. Notice the Stark banner flying behind Davos on horseback. Notice the Mormont banners behind Davos as he talks about the war between the living and the dead. Notice Tormund Giantsbane leading the Wildlings into battle for the Starks against the Boltons. The so-called "Battle of the Bastards" may finally prove out the theory of "the Grand Northern Conspiracy." Also a shot of Brienne and Pod with Tully banners in the background, and the Freys at a feast. Edit: is that Lannister armor I see people wearing at the feast with the Freys? Edit 2: I assume the shot of Wun Wun breaking down the gates of Castle Black is part of the effort to liberate Jon's body from the Watch.
  19. I feel like we've seen all the good stuff in the last two trailers. They leave anything unseen for the movie?
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