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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. What strikes me as weird with the whole CC thing is that there is other foreign language content on Hulu--including anime--that uses proper subtitles.
  2. I think the use of AI in these processes has been pretty well documented in the work James Cameron had done on his films, so I'm not going to argue this.
  3. They're using AI for the de-graining and the sharpening of certain shots. Not sure if they use it for the colors, too.
  4. Nice bit of news https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/star-wars-ryan-gosling-in-talks-shawn-levys-1236084451/
  5. They're currently filming season 3, and season 4 is already written.
  6. I haven't tried to confirm this yet, but I'm getting the feeling while watching Frontier that those fades to black aren't in between shots, but are actually covering up content we should be seeing.
  7. I only have a few episodes to go to finish up. Maybe they're planning to do a movie?
  8. This is all so very disheartening. I've decided to ride this out and see how the release turns out. Worse comes to worse I'll sell it on eBay.
  9. Lucas wasn't an anti-grain guy.
  10. If you have AppleTV+ and aren't watching Silo and Severance, what are you doing?
  11. Forget the color, look at how much detail is lost in the star field in that shot. And it's like that in every scene in the video above that has a star field.
  12. I don't see how anyone can watch this and want to replace their HD blu-ray with the 4K. Holy loss of detail, Batman. But hey, it's more colorful I guess? I'm really leaning toward canceling my preorder.
  13. I'm not watching whatever toxic, internet fandom nonsense that is.
  14. Something I felt about Jude Law's character in the final episode:
  15. It's closed captioning, they're all like that unfortunately.
  16. The show runners are game to do a second season. No word on whether or not we'll get one.
  17. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/First_Order A "problem" does not equal open warfare. And really, none of this has anything to do with Skeleton Crew. As for the validity of the Republic credits being a plot hole, lol, ok.
  18. It doesn't matter how they're valid. 🙃 You're thinking too hard about this.
  19. Out of nowhere, no. But they weren't engaged in hostilities with the New Republic until that year. Leia's people were the only ones who took them seriously.
  20. Not for years, and that whole First Order episode lasted about a year. So a blip, really.
  21. The show was a pleasure from start to finish.
  22. Because it's streaming and not on disc. It's about regional restrictions on disc sales and dissuading people from buying stuff outside of their region.
  23. Watched the first episode of Macross Zero and no occasional fades to black. However, the quality of the picture was disappointing. Looked to be SD. I am going to guess it's a limitation of the original source, like Flashback.
  24. I use Apple TV 4K as my streaming device, and I am watching through the Hulu integration in Disney+. I might install the Hulu app itself to see if it still happens there.
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