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Everything posted by Duke Togo
Looking for good anime not released in US
Duke Togo replied to jwinges's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
In other words, avoid it like the plague. Macross 7 fans use the same exact spiel to describe Macross 7 to others. -
Awesome, someone brought the pedophile thread back.
They had to have ripped off Parasite Eve with that midchlorian thing. midicholrian, mitochondira, those words sure look alike. Uh, Parasite Eve didn't invent mitochondria. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=mitochondria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondria Video games didn't invent the world.
Just as long as it has some sort of key-gen that'll allow you to play online, yeah. True, very true. Though, its good to know people who work in game stores, LOL. Oh yeah, that's great, so you have him steal the code off a copy in ths store, so that when someone actually buys it, it's useless? Stop being cheap. If you want something, buy it. Don't have the money? Too fxcking bad. Oh, I have the money, its just all about the plunder. I enjoy what I do too much.
Sounds fine to me. Maybe we could see Sith? Agent, what did I tell you about cruising for ass on the message boards?
I think the original movie is fairly bad. Actually, they are all bad. I love the TV series.
Maybe you missed the part were Luke was beating the snot out of Vader, and the Emperor was looking for Luke to finish him and join as his new apprentice. if you missed the manipulation of Vader in the OT, I can't help you, but its fairly obvious to most.
Just as long as it has some sort of key-gen that'll allow you to play online, yeah. True, very true. Though, its good to know people who work in game stores, LOL.
I really dislike Lucas's latest take on Vader (first mentioned in the Visual Guide to ep3 and repeated in an interview in Rolling Stone) that the Emperor was disappointed in Vader once he was rebuilt. That really seems to have come out of the blue. . . there is no hint of it in the novel (based on a slightly earlier screenplay by Lucas). It seems like a very recent (even to Lucas) take on Vader that I'm not sure jives well with the image of him he's developed over the past quarter-century. Latest take? Vader is practically a cripple in the OT. The Emperor clearly wants Luke to take Vader's place. How can you watch the OT and not see this?
And I just put $850 dollars into some new PC hardware (CPU, GPU, mobo). Good timing. Just have to wait for it to pop up on torrent sites...
General Grevious dispite being leader of the Droid Army is not a true machine, he was originally a feared alien warrior (they never showed what he looked like)who killed tons of jedi and kept their lightsabers as trophies. he was bought to the attention of Sidious and Dooku , it is rumored that Sidious may have been the one who had his ship shot down just for the purpose of giving him his mechanical armor and turning him into the feared general we see in the Clone Wars and the third movie. another rumor is the armor was the prototype for the Darth Vader Armor and he was the testing ground for it. There is an official picture of Grevious somewhere in his true form, you can probably find it on the SW website. As to his armor, it wouldn't make much sense, seeing as Anakin had no need for the Darth aader suit before his battle with Obi Wan. Not only that, the cyborg Vader was far less valuable to Palpatine than the flesh and bone Vader (which is why he wanted Luke).
Because there isn't alot of continuity in the EU. What is fact one year gets thrown away the next. Plus, there is alot of the EU that completely contridicts the Saga, which also negates it. Its just rather messy.
There can only be one!... three!... no wait, five! Highlander is alot like Attack of the Clones for me... the first time I saw it, I thought it was really cool. Then, after a few viewings, I realized how truly bad it was (Phantom Menace was a vastly superior film to Clones, IMHO). I mean, Sean Connery as a Spanish Egpytion that's Scottish? Christopher Lambert makes Mark Hamill look like Laurence Olivier. If not for Clancy Brown, that movie would have been lost. And just what was that thing he was wearing on his head? And don't even get me started on the special effects. Hell, I think more people like the movie for the Queen soundtrack than anything. All that said, I was completely sold on the television series, and watched it faithfully. They should have left it there, its the only part of that "franchise" (*snicker snort*) that works.
So many Mandalorians were killed that they started using various species to fill their ranks. As far as I know, Mandalorians are like the Sith, there aren't actually any of their race left, but there are those who follow their path and wear their mantle. Of course, as far as I know the "Lords of the Sith" were never Sith to begin with, they simply ruled over them. Hence their title. But, we are really dealing with the EU on all of this. Something could come out tomorrow that contridicts it all.
Illinois video game sales ban?
Duke Togo replied to the white drew carey's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I really don't have a problem with this. I don't see what the big deal is. -
He lives. In the end Palp orders Commander Cody to ready a ship for him so he could go to where Vader is. Seems like he moved up the ladder once Order 66 was given. That or since he was the only clone named... Actually, several clones were named. You just have to pay better attention!
There was something else the book added that I felt meant alot. The scene where Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan are riding in the Rep.Gunship in preperation for Yoda's Kashyyyk operation. I dont' want to give it away, since I felt it was waaaaaaaaaaaay more meaningful than the movie's version. Well, this *is* the spoilers thread...
Qui Gon never appeared in the script, so I don't believe its a matter of not being able to get him. I mean, we are talking about maybe a day or two of green screen work. Remember, Neeson was willing to do work for Episode II, but they ended up putting together dialog from Episode I to get what they wanted.
Halloween surplus?
I strongly disagree. Tolkien took many of his characters from the Sagas, including their names. He also co-opted many of the tales, quests, and battles from these works. Hell, the Ring isn't even his, he took that from them too.
Lucas has been talking about "The Hidden Fortress" for years. I don't know if he could get any more open about it.
Actually, from what I understand, most players feel that its crap.
I realize that. I'm now just having fun with Duke Man-Dress. I stand corrected, you really are that ignorant. Do you guys read any books outside of work based on movies you like? Ok, everybody who didn't know that Tolkien heavily based the Rings trilogy on the Sagas come forth and admit their ignorance. You should not be ashamed, because you have now been educated. And just to make sure, everybody here knows that Star Wars is basically a re-imaging of Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress", right? Ok, good, just checking.
Jesus Christ, you guys aren't that ignorant, are you? The Norse Sagas, the Icelandic Sagas... this isn't exactly a secret. Man, this doesn't say much for the US educational system, does it?
Tolkien created The Rings just as much as Lucas created Star Wars... meaning he didn't. Just like Lucas, its a re-writing (in Lucas' case, a re-imaging) of someone else's work.