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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. My dear friend Hurin, what do they mean when they say "consumed by the Dark Side of the Force"?
  2. Hey WJ, how's that website coming? You ever gonna finish it, or are you just gonna keep posting kiddie porn up on MW? The website is coming along just fine. No, I probably won't ever finish it-just keep adding to it and changing it. Not sure about kiddie porn, but I am sure about you. That's for certain. More Mylene pics soon. Seems to me you just do a whole lot of changing, and very little adding. What about that last big site redesign you did? You had that for what, 2 years, with no content? Maybe it was 3 years. Why did you ditch that one, WJ?
  3. Actually, he didn't warn him, he flat out threatened to kill him. Very un-Jedi like. "I'm taking Captain Solo, and his friends. You can either profit from this, or be destroyed. It's your choice. But I warn you not to underestimate my powers." He's offering to pay off Jabba. That's some threat! H I watched it this morning, he threatens to kill him atleast twice.
  4. Wait, what about me? Doesn't anyone want to ban me? *feels left out*
  5. Hey WJ, how's that website coming? You ever gonna finish it, or are you just gonna keep posting kiddie porn up on MW?
  6. Not only is "ain't" not a proper word, its not even properly used! That's a double whammy right there!
  7. More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting. Hey, if you don't like Mylene or Macross 7what are you doing in this thread anyways? Stop looking if you don't like what you see. What a silly question. Anybody care to tell WJ why I am posting in this thread?
  8. ever tried to edit a thread title?... right What? Can't decifer it? I'll give you a hint... the missing character is shaped like a dOnut. No, actually it was the "ain't" part that through me off. What, you didn't catch that?
  9. More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting.
  10. When Run says dance you do or die?
  11. Lick my balls. Oh, pardon me, nevermind. He didn't mention me. Moving along...
  12. Aint this necklace lok familiar? WTF does that mean?
  13. Actually, he didn't warn him, he flat out threatened to kill him. Very un-Jedi like.
  14. Can anyone explain to me why the rebels take two droids with them on their mission to Endor? I mean, everyone is wearing camo, and here is the gold droid walking around the forest. What's the point of the camo? They should have just put glowing neon signs on their heads reading "REBELS HERE!".
  15. That would be a tragedy, locking the pedo thread. Look, I am shedding much tears. Damned trekkies...
  16. And the kicker is, everybody knows Wendy's has better burgers than both of them.
  17. Thanks, dickfafce! So, ok, where are the bitches and the donuts?
  18. Willow was all about Val Kilmer killing things with two swords, and for that alone its cool. Well, that, and the Darth Vader wanna be general with the skull mask. And um, Jennifer Connelly was ALWAYS hot. Watch her in "Once Upon a Time in America", its almost enough to make you wish you were a trekkie.
  19. I haven't been reading this thread because I find the whole thing rather silly. That said, i watched Jedi again today, and I must say, I was shocked by just how bad it was. Its worse than I remember it. That's a movie that has to be remade. This is the first time watching it since seeing Sith (and the first time since the DVDs came out last fall), and I was really struck as to how arrogant and dark Luke is in Jedi. Doing the Force Choke, threatening Jabba with death, wearing all black... and the dude can't use a lightsaber worth shite. Any fully trained Jedi would wipe the floor with him. Let's remake Jedi.
  20. She did, and honestly, she should have been playing Padme.
  21. LOL, where, in France? Trek has a cult, but not wide appeal or popularity. How often are trekkies made fun of because of their very strange behavior? Is it really shocking to anyone that they like to diddle little boys as well?
  22. Actually, its on a state-by-state basis. Age of consent varies from 14 to 18 in the US. keeping my daughter away from you for knowing that LOL, I draw the line at 25. Chicks younger than that are generally as dumb as a bag of hammers.
  23. Actually, its on a state-by-state basis. Age of consent varies from 14 to 18 in the US.
  24. Wait until they hit the Macross 7 connection. We shall miss Keith...
  25. That's exactly what I am thinking. Why was this stupid topic resurrected???????? I think its fairly obvious, Macross 7 fans are morons.
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