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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Well, I guess it didn't suck, huh?
  2. I heard this game sucks.
  3. Having watched Sith now, and rewatched VD Jedi, I think its a case of the fact that OT Anakin looks NOTHING like PT Anakin. Hell, OT Anakin has dark hair.
  4. And yet he loves to play to the foreign press and hold out hope for critical acclaim at Cannes... Somehow, I doubt that.
  5. I say we ban him. Or kill him. Whichever is easier.
  6. I dunno, Zelda 64 was onie of the best games I've ever played. And don't get me started on Rogue Squadron!
  7. Do we have any mods working here?
  8. We need a pinned NY Yankees thread.
  9. For the challenging of a virtually absolute monopoly, I call it a damn fine job. Being a fanboy, you would. BTW, you are no longer allowed to talk gaming consoles here, this is now officially another Batman Begins thread.
  10. Once again, this was the closest Sega ever came to Nintendo or any of game console. That is, if you call a 19 million difference "close". So, come on Sega/Xbox fanboys, surely you can do better than this.
  11. No, it didn't. SNES outsold it 31.67 million in the US to Genesis' 27.17 million. Do any of you bother to check yoru facts? Interesting tidbit, the Genesis only sold 3.58 million units in Japan.
  12. Yes, and the Genesis was the only time Sega was ever close to Nintendo (or anybody else for that matter). And the SNES still outsold it by 19 million units. That's more than the amount of Saturn's and Dreamcast's sold. That's more than Xbox's that have been sold. Really, the Genesis was never that close. Anyways, these numbers pretty much kill the Sony/Xbox argument. Any other discussion on this point is well, pointless, if not plain stupid.
  13. My my, those sales figures sure shut everybody up.
  14. So many of these pictures are fake. What's the point anymore?
  15. In that case, can we at least have all of the smaller Yukikaze threads merged into the Super Thread? What's Yukikaze?
  16. The sales numbers I posted say otherwise. Too bad you spent all that time typing all of that up, when all iI did was a little copy and pasting.
  17. Ok, let's throw some hard facts in here: Total sales figures: NES: 61,780,000 Sega Master System: 13,000,000 Nintendo SNES: 49,020,000 Sega Mega Drive (Genesis): 30,750,000 Sony Playstation: 100,000,000 Nintendo 64: 32,930,000 Sega Saturn: 9,260,000 Sony Playstation 2: 81,390,000 Microsoft Xbox: 19,900,000 Nintendo Gamecube: 18,030,000 Sega Dreamcast: 10,600,000 Nintendo clearly dominated SEGA from the NES to the Gamecube. Sony outsold all of its generation's systems combined with the PSX and PS2.
  18. Just for the record, though I own a PS2, I rarely play it. I consider my PC to be my main gaming system of choice. I am not a fanboy, I am a realist. And, being a realist, I can look at the numbers and I see that the PS2 outsold the Xbox by tens of millions. I also see the numbers when talking about the Xbox 360 and PS3 and its quite obvious to me that Sony will continue to dominate the console gaming market. Maybe its just me, but its seems that Xbox fanboys are little more than SEGA fanboys who never got over getting trounced by Nintendo for all of those years, and even when they tripped up, they still ended up playing second fiddle to Sony. Look at the numbers, guys, and wake the hell up.
  19. Nintendo was NOT on top when the PS1 came out! They were IN FREEFALL! Nintendo comitted suicide when they didn't have a replacement for the NES ready to go immediatly after the Genesis. They spent 2 years developing a new system while Sega chiseled away at their customer base. Except the SNES was THE 16-bit system. I mean, everybody had a SNES. You are trying to portray it as some sort of failure, when you couldn't be farther from the truth. Nintendo wasn't in freefall with the SNES, they were dominating. Holy Christ, man, what twisted reality are you living in? What are you, a disgruntled SEGA fanboy?
  20. Sony didn't topple Nintendo. Nintendo all but committed suicide with the N64. Had Nintendo gone ahead with the Nintendo Playstation in its then partnership with Sony, we wouldn't even be having this discussion right now, Nintendo would still be ruling the gaming world.
  21. Well, we do know one thing. MW members pick the PS3 over the Xbox 360 at a 3:1 ratio. Every gaming site I have seen running polls has it atleast at 2:1. tells you all you have to know right there. In Japan I would *guess* that number runs somewhere between 5:1 to 10:1.
  22. If we have a pinned Yukikaze thread, we need a pinned Star Wars thread. Hell, we might as well start pinning everything if we have a pinned Yukikaze thread.
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