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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. No, I'm sorry, Hikaru and Misa have Caucasian features. Brown hair and blue eyes so not an Asian make. By your logic, Claudia is an anime character, so she must obviously be Asian. As for GitS, as stated previously, Shirow designed these characters to have a distinctly Weatern look. That's the intention of the creator himself.
  2. Of course not, but let's not pretend that many of the Asian characters in SDF Macross look anything but Caucasian.
  3. Good ol' brown-haired and blue-eyed Hikaru Ichijo. So very Japanese!
  4. True, but outside of some Ironborn plot stuff we're all on the same page now. I was shocked more than once last night. Outside of some guesswork based on the season 6 trailers this season is new to everyone. So, some more thoughts from the first episode of season 6: Assuming you watched the trailers, we all know what's going to happen at Castle Black: Wun Wun is going to smash down the gates and the Wildlings are going to rush in and save Davos and company. And we also know that Jon is going to be up and fighting later this season, as Melisandre saw it in the flames. Speaking of Melisandre, we always knew there was more to her, but WOW, I was not expecting that. Benioff and Weiss are saying she is several hundred years old, and I believe Carice van Houten has stated she is around 400 years old. She's been waiting for this war and for Jon for a very long time. The question is how she resurrects him. What is required? Her own life, perhaps? In other Stark news, Sansa getting saved by Brienne was just fantastic. Perhaps not the most well-shot fight scene they've done, but it was such a rush to see her charging in to save her. And Pod getting a kill! Awesome! So, now that Brienne and Pod are sworn to her, we can guess why Brienne was standing in front of Tully banners in one of the trailers: Sansa will likely send her to the Riverlands to meet with the Blackfish and rally what forces they can. Also, if you watched the next episode teaser, you see Brienne telling Sansa about Ayra! The Starks are no longer working in the blind... well, except for Arya, lol. Speaking of the Starks and the next episode teaser, we got a shot of Bran coming out of warging. I wonder if perhaps he was not in Ghost this first episode? Further south, we have Jaime coming home, and man, I really do not like what the show has done with him the past season or two. While I am not sure I'd call his story arc in the books "redemptive," he certainly has rediscovered what it means to be a knight and honorable, and how much that means to him. He pretty blatantly rejects Cersei and her machinations that have led to the destruction of their family. But show Jamie, no no, he's all about reuniting with Cersei and striking out against everyone who has wronged them. No one else matters! Blargh. This isn't even a condensing of the book plot; they have just changed his character fairly significantly. And all the way south, well, I did not see Prince Doran getting murdered coming. Things were certainly tumultuous in Dorne in the books, but I feel Doran gets robbed in the show pretty badly. He's the driving force behind Dorne revolting against the Iron Throne and helping restore the Targaryens to the throne. That said, it was great to be surprised here, and I hope the Dorne storyline can be redeemed in season 6 after how poorly they treated it in season 5. One last thought, and this one is for Dany: book readers know what happens to a Khal's widow, and I had to laugh out loud when her confidence and smugness completely melt away after she learns she's essentially being sent to a Dothraki convent. I not one of those who thinks she'll be getting a khalasar back, so the mystery here to me is how she makes her escape. I suspect the necklace isn't the source of her power, but the device through which she disguises her age.
  5. An excellent season opener for Game of Thrones. Some of that I absolutely did not see coming. I will give a longer reaction tomorrow. But, wow!
  6. Len, your Voltron just popped up on Facebook's "Trending" feed.
  7. But that would mean pulling him off of BR2, so no, I can't get behind that.
  8. This would have been a better trailer id they cut out the flashbacks in the beginning. You shouldn't know for sure that this is a trailer for a new Bourne movie until you hear the guy say "Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne."
  9. There may be another reason why they were dabbling with altering her look with cgi: she's a cyborg who can (and does) change bodies and parts.
  10. If I recall correctly, pre-production on the movie started while the playerbase was still fairly large. It's just taken a very long time for them to get to this point.
  11. I agree a lot of systems likely would, but what kind of ships would they have? I can see a lot of them having older ships as part of their planetary defense forces. Remember, unlike the Old Republic, the New Republic has (had?) a military and a fleet. They would handle the large threats. A lot of assumptions to be made here, but my thinking is they are going to pull in whatever they can in the short term, and by Episode 9 we'll see them at full strength. Think of Leia as Commander Shepard, and she's got to pull together a galaxy that doesn't really trust her to fight this huge threat, and she's got three movies to do it in.
  12. Right, I get that and will even accept that to a degree, but the show has him basically skipping every lesson when it comes to learning to fly the aircraft. Yet here he is taking off, flying, and engaging in mock combat. I'd have bought it more if they stretched this out over a few episodes and showed him actually learning how to fly. I think it would have been fun and genuinely amusing. I really thought it was great in episode 2 when they acknowledged the fact that he had no clue how to fly an aircraft. They totally avoided that anime trope of the novice doing amazing things in their super mecha. But then in episode 3 he's outmaneuvering Mirage after a week of skipping flight training with her. It took me longer than that to learn how to drive a car.
  13. So it's a reimaging of a remake of one of the greatest films ever made? That's fine, really. We're so far from the source material that I'm not sure any changes they make really matter. The trailer is fine, but it doesn't really appeal to me. It's a bit too action-y for how I like my westerns. That said, the trailer might not accurately reflect the overall tone of the movie.
  14. No one cares, and most of the people who are mad about this haven't read the manga or seen any of the anime, and almost certainly have no idea who Masamune Shirow is. Look, Hollywood has had a problem with whitewashing it's movies for as long as they've been making them. It's gotten better, but it still has a ways to go. However, the casting in this adaptation of GitS is only a problem for people who don't know the source material.
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