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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The Jon and Sansa hug has got to be the moment of the season so far. The pack survives. Tears, man, tears. Also, the North remembers. Who else wanted Drogon to come rip the top off of the building to light the Khals up? I suspect that's what'll happen in the book, because it's already been established that Dany isn't fire-proof; she just took advantage of blood magic back in book 1.
  2. The rumblings about how poor this movie was started a few weeks ago. You have to remember, a lot of these reviewers are fans. People can't say critics don't understand comic books or they just aren't into them when they've already heaped tons of praise upon Deadpool and Civil War this year. More likely than not, this movie stinks.
  3. This was a good episode, but we're 6 in and most of the cast is still little more than a collection of 1-dimensional anime cliches. And what's going on with the music?
  4. So, question: will there be scenes of him climbing up various objects and walls when he doesn't actually mean to?
  5. I finally was able to see this, and I thought it was quite good. This was the Avengers sequel we deserved. Now they owe us a proper Cap movie, lol. I dunno where everyone here stands on this, but for my money, Chris Evans as Captain American is the best portrayal of a comic book character on film. He's stellar and pitch perfect every time out, and never once do I doubt he isn't the character (unlike Downy, who sometimes I cannot help but see the actor and not Iron Man).
  6. None of the buggy BS they've been releasing the past several years has caused this, why would a WWI shooter cause it? Battlefield bros love their Battlefield.
  7. PCGamer - Civilization 6: everything you need to know Firaxis on city districts, active research and Gandhi's dark side.
  8. People waiting for the next panel
  9. I don't think I've gone through the campaign since BO1. That is most definitely not where the value lies. If you aren't playing the multiplayer you aren't getting your money's worth. At all.
  10. The R2 info is from JJ, and I also believe it's in the book. I chalk up its vagueness to Kasdan, who was pushing JJ pretty hard to quicken the pace of the film and to trust the audience to fill in the blanks. It's why it's never made clear in the film what the relationship between the Resistance, the Republic, and the First Order is. Scenes detailing that information were filmed, but later cut, and we were all left confused until info from the book started getting around.
  11. I'm not sure how you see Luke's reveal at the end as being shoehorned in. The entire plot is about finding him. The R2 awakening isn't convenient; even in low-power mode, he's alerted to the presence of the map when BB-8 first goes to him, and begins to search through his data banks for the rest of the map. However, I would say that this is not made very clear in the film, and they should have shown some twinkling of life within R2 after BB-8 first interacts with him. As for Starkiller Base, I'm not sure why so many people focus on it. This isn't the original Star Wars; the base is a subplot at best and doesn't drive the main narrative. Even the Resistance sees it as just another battle station to be taken out. It's simply a large piece of military hardware.
  12. We don't know it's the opposite of the books, War. Rickon is said to be on Skagos, and the Skagosi have no love for the Starks (or anyone else from the mainland, for that matter). Chances are at some point Rickon's fortunes end with him in a similar position. The same goes for the Martell's. Keep in mind that they're essentially trying to squeeze upwards of 2300 pages into season 6. And I think those of us who are book readers can agree that while their execution has not been flawless, GRRM's narrative was in need of some serious trimming.
  13. I see what you did there
  14. It looks like it may say Otaku Con. Or perhaps Otakon
  15. Does anyone here not know how Star Wars ends? Or that Vader is Luke's father? Are those films no longer good? Have you not watched them since they originally were in theaters? Hell, any film based upon historical events already has a pre-determined outcome. The same can be said for films based upon established fiction.
  16. Well, half of House Umber does side with the Boltons in the books. Things are kind of a mess in Last Hearth with the Greatjon being held captive in the Riverlands. The explanation in the show is just lacking, and boils down to "I like killing Wildlings."
  17. Kind of an underwhelming episode. Felt like it was just kicking the can down the road. Tower of Joy fight was great, but the tease was frustrating. Edit: to paraphrase someone on Twitter: wtf is going on with the Umbers?
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