I had said the same thing, and as someone pointed out to me, how would you expect an intersteller pop star to act? Also, she comes off a bit differently in the good subs as compared to the bad subs.
Largest english speaking Macross fan community in the world. I don't know what the Japanese have to compare it to, but we're the goods. Welcome aboard!
I know I read a post here recently where someone stated that Destroid use was discontinued after SWI, but I'm too lazy to confirm it, and I don't recall seeing them in M7 (but they may have been there, I dunno).
"The events are kept secret for at least five decades."
"At least" being the key phrase there. Basically, it covers the timeline in the Compendium (which would be up to 2051). We don't know if it was ever released (its not been stated anywhere that it was).
Huh what?
She's not M-Galaxy's pop idol, she's the biggest star out there. She's been at the top of the charts for 17 straight weeks. I don't think the statement implies anything but that.
The Galaxy is a bit behind the Frontier, and the Megaroad-01 went nowhere near the galactic core. Kawamori is rewriting what little we know about the imigration fleets.
I don't know is NUNS was aware of the threat, but the SMS and certain parties aboard the Frontier certainly were.
No. Bobby Margo is the effeminate helmsman of Battle 25. He was the voice you heard putting out the scramble order, and he's the guy with the... headband... on the bridge.
BTW, I do believe it was Graham who said the purple VF-25 in the trailer was probably just a placeholder. He proved to be right, those same scenes in the first episode featured the armored "Skull 001".
Defintely the Macross 6. Was hell finding the right frame, it exits the frame on the right hand side pretty quickly. I'll see if I can grab a screen shot.
Edit: No go with WMP, and VLC doesn't like the HD raw video. But its there. Directly above it is the 7, and above it the 9.