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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Except he's producing all of the Alien movies. They all fall under Scott Free Productions. As to Prometheus, it started out being an Alien prequel, became something related but different, and is now back to being a prequel. I think it's just how things played out.
  2. Ridley can be brilliant, but he doesn't always make the best choices. I'm pretty sure Prometheus is on him. Or, more directly, going with the Lindelof script is on him. For all intents and purposes he's running the Alien show right now.
  3. I like this casting
  4. I've always wondered if Benjen and his rangers haven't been shadowing the Others this entire time, tracking their movements and watching them. As for the show I could see them combining these characters, but I honestly don't know. I just know we're getting someone to save them based upon the season 6 trailers.
  5. Into Darkness would have been much better had Cumberbatch's character just been another enhanced human from Khan's crew. Then we get to the end of the movie where we see them all of that crew in stasis, and as they pan over them we see one that says "Khan." I'm not even a Trek guy and I think that would have been awesome. The alternate timeline has our heroes dodging an even bigger bullet than they faced.
  6. So, who do you think is going to save Bran and Meera: Coldhands, Benjen, or "Benhands"?
  7. I don't understand how studios keep letting Lindelof work on their movies. Everything he's written has gotten hammered over script issues.
  8. Early buzz is not good. They're calling it a soulless movie with too many characters, too many bad performances, and too much CGI. That said, it should do well on these forums.
  9. Brienne is heading south, so she almost certainly won't be around for that.
  10. From what I've been reading it was a constant laugh fest; and there are a few cut scenes showcasing more of their... relationship
  11. This episode gave a very WW2 Japan vibe to Windemere, and I dug that commentary. Fighting imperialism with imperialism, and feeling justified in their actions. Freeing other worlds from NUNS influence by oppressing and exploiting them. Very fanatical in their logic. Is it too on the nose? I'm not really sure.
  12. Not if he's meant to rule. Besides, all of the build up would have been for nothing if we never find out for sure. This is, of course, ignoring that GRRM said Jon would learn his true parentage before it's all said and done. I think the real question is what is going to happen once he knows? This could play out so many ways. Jon rules the Iron Throne. Jon is Luke to Dany's Leia, and is the champion while she is the ruler. Jon rules Westeros and Dany rules Essos, and their children rule the known world (which fits her prophecy). Jon learns his parentage, says nothing, and sacrifices himself to win the War for the Dawn (or, even going a step farther, Jon's sacrifice is becoming the Night's King in order to hold back the hordes of the undead).
  13. I'm not certain there are any gods. Is what we've seen of R'hllor and the Old Gods the work of gods, or simply a certain type of natural magic being tapped into? Do we even want to know? Is it not more interesting (and more realistic) to not know for sure?
  14. Your reading of Stannis and Mel in the book is very strange. It's pretty clear that Mel and her magic was behind all of it. Stannis was chosen by no one but Mel. As far as Azor Ahai goes, I'm beginning to think he is known by so many names across various cultures because he is not just one person. More of a gathering of heroes instead of just one hero.
  15. Any magic Stannis's sword had is the work of Mel. The Hodor stuff is straight from GRRM. Personally, I think the implications are pretty awesome. And the Martells are fantastic in the books.
  16. War, what we're seeing with Sansa is the lingering damage done to her by Littlefinger. It's still a chink in her armor. I suspect at some point this will come back to bite her.
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