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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. That it was, which is when it became the Megaroad (which there were 13 of).
  2. Yeah, ya lost me on this one.
  3. Because it plays no part in the franchise.
  4. Do you really think we'll get a Bluray release, though?
  5. I dunno, nobody else had or was going to put the time and effort into SDF Macross that they did. We got lucky.
  6. I'd like to think, in 2008, they'd be able to resort to more than cheap animation tricks to replace "Macross" with "Megaroad". I mean, the show is CGI heavy, but they couldn't rework the logo for international release? I don't imagine it would be a problem.
  7. Still, 7 years, can't believe its been that long. Does the cracking make the discs unplayable?
  8. I'd like to see BV release it here as is, and tell them, well, whatcha gonna do about it? HG isn't exactly an entertainment giant.
  9. I've heard people complain about the cracking before. Was it really 8 years ago that it came out?
  10. Wasn't this one of those fake trailers Tarintino and Rodriguez had cooked up to play before Grindhouse?
  11. I am curious as to exactly what they can and can't do with the Macross name.
  12. Its great, isn't it? And it amuses me greatly that others find it kinda annoying.
  13. Wow, way off topic there... What we need is an Egan Loo type to clear up the Milliard question.
  14. Games section is for Macross games. We're in the right place.
  15. That would be assuming, of course, that Milliard didn't cover for him. That is something we could debate until the cows come home, but we'll never really know an answer unless they give us one.
  16. In the original game, your red ninja would pop up on his unsuspecting target, drive his sword down into his writhing body, and move it back and forth (making sure he was good and dead). I will say, in the original, I found ninja to be a bit overpowered. It was far too easy to eliminate your rivals this way.
  17. American Ninja! The only Nobunaga game I ever owned was the original. I rented 2 on several occasions, and I've since played the SNES release on an emulator. Speaking on ninja, I don't know how this slipped past on the old NES, but the assassination animation in the original game was awesome.
  18. I did, and I almost spent countless hours playing Nobunaga's Ambition. Its a shame that series never got the attention in the US that RotTK did.
  19. I do believe this has been confirmed, no?
  20. Back in, oh, '90 I guess it was, I wrote a paper in history class on the Three Kingdoms period writing directly out of the original RotTK instruction book.
  21. "Romance" has more than one definition. A long fictitious tale of heroes and extraordinary or mysterious events, usually set in a distant time or place.
  22. Zhang Fei was always my favorite.
  23. Whatever it is, its not Macross.
  24. First read it back in '91 or '92. Of course, I've played every one of the games since the original, plus several of the Dynasty Warrior games.
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