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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. My guess would be this is up on a Japanese torrent site.
  2. The AnimeSuki forums are claiming the RAWs are out, but I have yet to see them on any of the sites I frequent, or on the Usenet.
  3. I could have sworn I read somewhere he was a rival singing idol (to Sheryl), but it was probably in a mess translation of some article and they were referring to Sheryl.
  4. See, this is why I love the Compendium: According to Kawamori, the VF-171 appears as the standard main variable fighter in the 2059 timeframe of Macross Frontier because the previously designated U.N. Spacy main variable fighter, the VF-19 Excalibur, looks too much like a "hero" unit for the role. He also wanted a fighter that was clearly disinguishable from the hero unit of the series, the VF-25. He retconned out the VF-19 for aesthetic purposes. I'm still waiting for the NUNS entry...
  5. I've seen Egan's work on other wiki's, and was wondering if he hadn't retired from Macross. Good to see it come back to life.
  6. We're drawing quite a crowd waiting for this release. 120 people on the forums right now.
  7. Yes, most likely the real RAW is out there. Start looking.
  8. I refuse to call it an X-Gear. Macross Ride Armor is what it is.
  9. "For the loss", well, its kinda like saying something sucks. For instance, "food poisoning FTL". There is, of course, "For The Win". Very game show-y. "Please send tell" is basically a request to send a private message. So, what I was saying was, I'm willing to pay for the Macross F RAW, please send me a message if you are selling. I don't mean this literally, though. I'm just dying to see this thing.
  10. Haha, I spent 2 years playing WoW, and I've found it hard to kick the "WoW-speak" since I quit. "Want To Buy RAW, Please Send Tell" and "For The Loss". I've now spent a majority of my day hounding trackers and forums for a RAW of episode 1, LOL. How productive!
  11. Yeah, but it has 4 guns! Macross Cannon, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  12. Threw the Op up on Myspae for good measure.
  13. Just snagged the opening, I rather like it. For all the "Macross II doesn't really exist" that Kawamori does, he sure does put alot of it into his Macross projects. Battle 25 "Macross Cannon", anyone?
  14. O RLY? What exactly did they have to say?
  15. edit: nevermind, wasn't talking to me.
  16. I was quick enough to save the ending off of Youtube. Its nothing impressive.
  17. Yeah, considering we've already seen the Big Red Space Monsters, I can't imagine they'll go Macross 7 on us and give the bad guys variable mecha.
  18. Macross Frontier -01- (D-TBS DivX6.​6 1280x720 120fps[ED60]).​avi And you can't blame AniServ, they were upfront about what this file was.
  19. Confirmed, its the Deculture. Just finished my download.
  20. Which is the problem, since AniServ posted their RAWs 17 hours ago, and its the same file that's popping up on the other sites. Their site states: "For those of you Macross fans that downloaded 01, it's just the preview episode from december"
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