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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Ugh, another disappointing sub release. It would have taken them 10 seconds to google the Lyrics to Don't Be Late, I mean, come on, they're on the gabrielarobin.com for christsakes! They use the same poor translation of the song they used in the Deculture edition. And the rest of the work isn't that hot, either. I'm nowhere near fluent in Japanese, hell, I barely am in English, but come on. Just sloppy work.
  2. But it wouldn't be 40-45 minutes. I'm not even sure it would be 30. Deculture weights in at 26 minutes and change.
  3. Well, its only been going on for what, 30 years?
  4. Oh wow, how about that, they are hearts.
  5. Wow, 2 AM... that's kinda pathetic. I know I don't understand how Japanese TV works, but that seems kinda sad.
  6. We probably won't know until the last episode or so.
  7. Maybe they'll finally fix the mess they made out of the second half of that series. Still loved those first 25 or so episodes, though.
  8. I use that joke line all the time, LOL.
  9. "You can still fight when you're drunk!!" is the best dub line, EVER.
  10. That's assuming the people in the series are "regular human beings".
  11. Checking out the OP again, they had to cut 1:30 of animation out of the show to get it in, and we've all seen plenty of anime that forgo the opening on their first episode.
  12. I wouldn't read too much into that. Otherwise this would have been exposed a LONG time ago.
  13. But none of the seven knew who the final five were. There is no way any of them would have known Adama was a Cylon.
  14. So, if I go by what Moore says here (assuming I read that right), the final Cylon is NOT at the table. Which makes it not the Adamas, not Rosalyn, not Kara, not Baltar, and not Helo.
  15. You're assuming both "parties" go to earth.
  16. Yeah, I don't see what all the hub-bub is about Code Geass. I couldn't get into it, myself.
  17. We don't even know that the final Cylon knows they are a Cylon. Who knows if they've even been shown in the series yet. And it can't be Ellen Tigh, because she is dead, and the Final Five don't just pop back up on a Basestar like the other Cylons. I think, flat out, they are not *of* the other Cylons, they are entirely something different (read: older). And, again, its been said a million times, Kara is not a Cylon. Could they be BSing us? Sure. Moore said for a time that he wasn't going to off Pegasus either, just because everyone was expecting him too. But right now I'm going with the official line that she's not.
  18. BTW, Sheryl is TOTALLY lip syncing in the broadcast version, and she's not even mouthing the right lyrics!
  19. Well, Moore is making it sound like there is no cure for Rosalyn's cancer this time, she is going to die.
  20. Bad ratings for the first episode?
  21. I'm still sticking with my "all humans were originally Cylons" theory (that being, humans created Cylons, Cylons become human, and then create more Cylons, etc), and I am beginning to wonder what the "final five" really are. We know Tigh was younger once, he and Adama had a past. Are the final five simply a product of some pre-determined genetic switch that turns on when the time is right? Is it something that has been passed down though the generations? And what is their true purpose? After watching last night's episode and the preview for next week's, I am thinking the final five are there to protect humanity.
  22. Kara isn't a Cylon. They've stated this like a thousand times. Something else is going on with her. The thing I love about the Baltar character is that in reality, he's just a weak minded fool. There is truly nothing special about him. He's not a Cylon, he's not some savior, and I think beneath everything he does, he knows this, and it shows. But the fact is without his betrayal, the colonies don't start on their destined journey to earth. He is so very necessary.
  23. No, definitely Battle 25. You can see it at around 11:09 in the DE, right after the "Shell" graphic.
  24. Wasn't bad. I wonder if they blew their entire fx budget on that opening sequence, LOL. I'm not quite back into the flow of the show yet, really, and this is the first Battlestar I've seen since the last episode of season three aired.
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