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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The reshoots were scheduled for this summer before principle photography had even started. There were things they weren't 100% with going in. Most of what they'll be shooting will be inserted into scenes already shot. Edit: also, the reshoots are not for tone. They're for clarity and character development. It's meant to feel like a war film, and that isn't changing.
  2. Christopher McQuarrie came out and totally shot down the crazy rumor that he was involved in the reshoots. It's also impossible for this reshoot to be as massive as some sites are reporting, given that Disney has publicly stated the reshoots aren't affecting the release date.
  3. No, we're the ones who will hate it the most because we've actually invested time in the franchise. Of course, neither myself nor any of my friends who actually played the Warcraft games want to see this movie, so they've clearly already lost that battle with atleast part of the fanbase.
  4. Yes, but I think because Rogue One ends roughly 10 minutes before Star Wars begins, they feel a need to bring them more in line. I'm not saying it's the right move, but I understand their thinking.
  5. Reports today are it is definitely an issue of tone. It comes across of more of a traditional war film instead of a Star Wars film. It was just a tad too dark. Reshoots are taking place this month, not July.
  6. I'm not sure what the contradiction is here. I only read /Film's report on this, and it's not really any different than what Deadline is reporting: an internal first cut screening is leading to reshoots in July.
  7. Spoilers, Tober: Eddard got his head cut off, there was no last-second save.
  8. Ok, I found the weirwood arrow references; they're in ADwD and AWoIaF. Minor potential spoilers for this season (based upon the books): Weirwood may very well be to dragons what dragonglass is to Others.
  9. One month of reshoots has been scheduled for July after the first cut was screened. The general consensus seems to be that it didn't strike the right tone; in other words, it wasn't Star Warsy enough.
  10. So am I wrong in remembering that the books hint that Weirwood arrows can take down a dragon?
  11. There would have been no point to their story had they died right there. You had to expect a save. There was 0% chance they were going to die there.
  12. That's correct, Dobb, And Dany certainly isn't being set up as some pure and noble ruler. She plays at being Aegon, but doesn't have his level-headedness or sense of mercy. Dany is rash and arrogant. And then one has to wonder if she doesn't have a touch of the Targ madness. It's going to be a messy affair, for sure.
  13. I like the Dany as antagonist theory, except for the fact that we know "the dragon must have three heads." Jon leading the fight against Dany for the Seven Kingdoms doesn't work under that condition. Unless it's an "once an ally, now the enemy" situation, and another Dance of the Dragons takes place. But that seems like a lot of story that has to be played out.
  14. Reminder: GoT is not taking Memorial Day weekend off this year. They're playing the season straight through this year--no breaks.
  15. I don't expect much out of it.
  16. I think it's solid sci-if that can succeed today. If there is any issue it's because Elysium rips it off pretty blatantly, but does a poor job with the subject matter. I could see people groaning, and wondering why they're making another one of those.
  17. I loved the series
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