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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yes, but the download speed is now slow, LOL. I hold you responsible.
  2. This is going to be another one of those long days. LOL
  3. I'm gonna go with the Compendium on this one.
  4. Damn, nevermind. Someone reposted the RAW of episode 1, and I got all excited for a second.
  5. Ok, I call BS on that first shot of Sherly, no human being can sit on the floor like that. I mean, come on, look at her legs!
  6. Is that Alto hurling toward the end, there?
  7. One thing to keep in mind, if there have been any thoughts to releasing this outside of Japan, they've already discussed it. The legal issues are well known at this point, and they'd have to a plan in place to make it happen in a timely matter (whether as Macross F or under some other title).
  8. I'm with Zinjo on this one, I find it unlikely that they just casually threw that together with little thought. I don't think we'll really know until the Chronicles are out. I could be wrong, but that wouldn't say much for the folks working on the series.
  9. Its not out yet, I blame Azrael.
  10. Egan knows the deal, I tend to go with his info, but does it take any effort to get past continuity right in that opening scene? I find it hard to believe Kawamori is that lazy, and he knows the affection the fans have for the old characters. I am leaning towards some sort of retcon until I see something more concrete.
  11. You know, I look at Alto, and I can imagine him going through this entire series in a perpetual state of "face palm".
  12. Direct linking isn't going to work, its not showing up.
  13. "Battle" may just be a generic term as well. And I'm fairly certain all of the New Macross class vessels are designated as "Macross-XX".
  14. But she's listed as being married on the old Compendium, so I am going to assume that's official.
  15. Yay, another day to spend infront of my PC, scanning the various sites for a RAW.
  16. Not quite what I meant, but I certainly remember it coming across to me that he was hoping it would be something that would play well here. Anyway, enough of the tangent. Episode 2 is out tomorrow, no?
  17. I read through part of this, skimmed over parts, and I generally agree. The "Lucas raped my childhood" crowd disgusts me, for the reference and the absurdity. However, I am guilty of totally falling out of love with Braveheart after learning what a sham the history portrayed in the film was.
  18. Bah, can't find it. New boards only go back to 2003. Anywho, I was talking about a western influence on Macross 7. That is what I meant by saying he had us english speaking folks "in mind".
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