Dude, I still have NO idea where you are getting that from, LOL. Not only that, I'd say its totally irrelevant. The kind of people who seek and who could arrange a confrontation with Big Red don't need to have these things declassified. Its actually to their benefit to have it stay secret, as I don't think the colonists would take too kindly to being intentionally being put in harms way.
NUNS know the Varja are out there
We have an elite, private special forces unit with the fleet
Sherly Nome just so happens to be on he Frontier
If I had to guess, I'd say NUNS was looking to engage the Varja, and they believe hey have the upper hand. Of course, things never work out the way people expect them to...
Of course, we could all be wrong, and we're looking way too much into it all. But so goes television these days, hidden agendas and big mysteries.