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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I think the main problem with the "plan" is that going into the series (from the mini), the writers had no plan. They've made it up as they go along, with some stuff changing season to season.
  2. I really like some of the mecha, and some of the music is kinda catchy. The story is poo.
  3. If you follow the links provided in the first posts of all of the Frontier threads, you'll find RAWs and subs.
  4. I don't know why they'd have to go through ADV, but HG sure is a pest. Can't say either of them have the money to challenge a real effort to get it released, though.
  5. Oh, sorry, I saw ADV mentioned and well... nevermind, LOL.
  6. White, I think that's what alot of us have been guessing for a long while now. But, in a recent interview with Katee Sackhoff, she says that you think you have it figured out (I think they were halfway through filming this season at the time), and they totally turn it on its ear. What looks somewhat obvious to those trying to figure it out may not be, at all. I'm still sticking with the "guess", but I'm expecting to be surprised, and perhaps shocked. Would be kinda sad for all of us to have had this show figured out going back to like, season 1.
  7. Oh, no, if we had news like that there would be fireworks and laser beams shooting out of this website. My only point was, if Kawamori has any intentions of releasing this outside of Japan, it has to have been discussed. All parties involved know the legal mess involved. Everyone and their mother has guessed that the changes (NUNS, insignia, etc) may be pointing to this. But so far, nothing has been announced or even hinted at. I think right now you can assume its Japan only.
  8. BTW, can Baltar get any more batshat crazy? I am begging and pleading that when this show ends, he ends up being nothing more than a pathetic, weakminded fool, who really is nothing special.
  9. The ADV Japanese audio is inferior to the AnimEigo release.
  10. Sunday? Is that kinda change usual?
  11. It does indeed look like that may be it, tucked away.
  12. What a great show. Just wow, man. Looks like the show getting a tad ugly, though. Next week's promo... yeah.
  13. I've decided I have no idea what is going on. Spent way too much time thinking about it, and I could be wrong on all counts. Could be anti-UN forces (the mystery variable fighter made me think of them in Zero) for all I know. I'm going to do less theorizing and more watching.
  14. The GATTAI sub is nice, I like their translation, but they don't touch the songs. 2 things I picked up I: Sheryl is ending her 3 month concert tour on the Frontier, and Alto is the only one who refers to Mikhail as Mikhail. All the rest call him Michel.
  15. What stands? The "fact" that you are stating isn't one at all, and that is the events in Macross Zero are no longer secret. That entry was written 4 years ago, it had nothing to do with Frontier. At that point, that Macross chronology didn't extend past the 2040's. Nowhere does it state that the information was declassified. Nowhere.
  16. But who does he report to! The mysterious Mr. G-something...
  17. Well, you gotta figure, by 2059 all of these ladies are in their late 60's or 70's, LOL.
  18. Hadn't thought about the Victor/V/Varja connection before. Its quite obvious now that you mention it.
  19. That is 4 years old. Its a Macross Zero entry that pre-dates Frontier. And it says "at least", it could have been kept secret for all eternity. You don't know, yet once again here you are stating it as fact. Didn't we go through this 4 or 5 months ago? Watch again. Ozma was pumped up and totally gung ho. Grin on his face, eager for battle. And the SMS seem quite capable of handling these beasties. And I disagree about the NUNS. The NUNS officer with the bad haircut who is with the Frontier president certainly knew about the Varja and he clearly has some agenda. On some level, NUNS knows what is out there and what is going on.
  20. Dude, I still have NO idea where you are getting that from, LOL. Not only that, I'd say its totally irrelevant. The kind of people who seek and who could arrange a confrontation with Big Red don't need to have these things declassified. Its actually to their benefit to have it stay secret, as I don't think the colonists would take too kindly to being intentionally being put in harms way. NUNS know the Varja are out there We have an elite, private special forces unit with the fleet Sherly Nome just so happens to be on he Frontier If I had to guess, I'd say NUNS was looking to engage the Varja, and they believe hey have the upper hand. Of course, things never work out the way people expect them to... Of course, we could all be wrong, and we're looking way too much into it all. But so goes television these days, hidden agendas and big mysteries.
  21. If Sheryl is on the Frontier totally by accident, it'll be the biggest coincidence in space since we found out Anakin build C3-PO. I find it hard to believe that the powers that be somehow forgot the name Nome and its significance after 50 years.
  22. Its Sheryl's, and she's anxiously looking for it.
  23. Well, I didn't notice it, I was too busy looking at the family shot.
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