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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Another great epsode, can't wait for the sub to fill in some more of Ranka's background. Classic moment, There's a real Plus vibe to this episode.
  2. Looks like Ranka let her hair down. Oh my, someone seems to have lost their top...
  3. Have we officially decided whether or not to call them Lobsters?
  4. Another long day ahead... AniServ is still down this week.
  5. Wait wait, I thought the VF-0 and VF-1 were developed simultaneously?
  6. You know, I voted for Ranka, and then I thought about it. Ranka would be the obvious choice, the safe choice, but it wouldn't shock me if they went with Sheryl.
  7. I think she comes across much better in episode 2 than she does in 1. Episode 3 should be very interesting, see how the three react to being trapped together.
  8. Well, the one dude got squished... But yeah, its anime.
  9. Its not May yet, we aren't do for another new like/dislike Macross 7 thread. We only have 5 million of these...
  10. Bah! I can't keep up with all of these threads, Az! LOL
  11. There are things that bother me a little bit in both. Between both subs, body language, tone of voice, and what just sounds right, I get what I want out of it. Too early to pick just one. Until one stands above the other, I'll support both releases.
  12. I've taken to downloading both subs. I get a little bit from both, and make up my own mind what is going on.
  13. Yeah, this isn't Robotech. His voice does sound familiar, though. Anyone recognize it?
  14. Old anime on Blu-ray may not be all its cracked up to be. Some things aren't meant to be seen in high definition.
  15. Dude, that's hard core! I might actually pick this up.
  16. Up until the ASS-1 crashed, Earth was hundreds, if not thousands of years behind technologically from the Protoculture. I think we can cut them a little slack for not having developed a total force field in the 60 years since they moved from the combustion engine to OTEC fold drives.
  17. I would think by 2059 they'd be using something better than cellular technology.
  18. He does tend to fib alot, doesn't he?
  19. My question is, do Big West and Bandai care about those of us outside of Japan?
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