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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. From Nyaa: "Yep, full version! Ripped from the music video." Its still a video rip.
  2. Well, its an audio rip from the OP video.
  3. All things considered, I would guess most people by 2059 have some Zentradi blood in them. There were what, 1 million humans left alive after Space War I? Cloning doesn't explain all of it, there must have been many inter-species unions to rebuild the population of not only Earth, but to populate the new space colonies.
  4. Having watched the sub, I'm a little surprised they seem to be willing to give away the secret of the Varja so soon (sounds like next episode). And I think its pretty clear that Gilliam's body was recycled. Nice to get some more info on Ranka and Ozma. Sounds like Ozma was a pilot in the fleet that Ranka and her family were a part of. After seeing her reaction in the shelter, I wonder if Ozma didn't find her all alone, drifting in an escape pod, clinging to the dead body of her mother or father.
  5. If only they are smart enough to give us a Human/Cylon vs Clyon battle a la Human/Zentradi vs Zentradi!
  6. The AonE-Gek-Men release is a bit flashier than the other releases, and they do all the lyrics, but the dialog is a tad stiff, and I'm fairly sure its wrong in places. I'd be happy with a sub that gets it about 90% right, and I don't think we've seen one yet.
  7. I'm not arguing semantics, I'm talking about who she is. She killed Cally because that is who her character is. The Chief is a Cylon too, and he wouldn't of blown his wife out into space. The fact that the final four are Cylons is *almost* totally irrelevant to who they are as people.
  8. Protect the child, protect the chief, maybe she even wants him for herself. But these are her desires, her needs, not some Cylon programming.
  9. Its not what she is, but who she truly is. Cylon or not, the final five are who they are. She air locked Cally to save her own ass, and for no other reason than that. Its not Cylon programming, some switch wasn't flipped in her. Deep down, its the kind of person the character really is.
  10. This seemed kinda like an in-between episode for me. Its like half of one episode and half of another. Good, but I was left feeling unsatisfied.
  11. That certainly is good news.
  12. And we all would've laughed!
  13. Its the same reason why people will flock to see movies like National Treasure or Scary Movie: people are dumb.
  14. Except now he has done it by retconning something that hasn't existed once in 25 years of Macross animation. It was something added for effect, its not some plot device that's going to end up saving the entire fleet. Kawamori couldn't even laugh it off, coming up with something like "Space-age hair care product!"
  15. Yeah, except they've been pretty open about offing off a bunch of people this last season, and how disturbing things are going to get. But we'll know for certain fairly shortly.
  16. According to the Compendium: I'm sorry, but that's just... lame. Couldn't he just have left it to anime magic? An interesting way to animate the character's emotions?
  17. Zero put out two RAWs, one of which is 704x396.
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