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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Now that wasn't in the manga... Ahhh, ok.
  2. Most of your links are dead, kresphy.
  3. It got down in the 200's, it didn't start out that low. The more pre-orders they got, the cheaper it went.
  4. PS3 is still grossly overpriced, and I don't see alot of games there that wow me. Its lagging behind the Wii and the 360 for a reason. 360 is a piece of junk. Check out the Red Ring of Death reports online. We're talking upward of a 30% failure rate. I'm waiting for the PC release. Mag in Europe says the fall, but there has been nothing official yet.
  5. God, how much was it when we first pre-ordered? 300 something bucks?
  6. Exactly, which shows his lack of real combat skills.
  7. Well, they got my 250 or 260 bucks... whatever it was.
  8. Wake me up when this comes out on PC.
  9. I have a feeling Luca may not be very good in actual combat, which is why he is on recon.
  10. I dunno, looks more like a space station to me. It doesn't seem to have any structures that would indicate it as a shipyard. It actually looks rather fragile.
  11. I don't recall seeing a shipyard in Frontier, but the Megaroad-01 was built (atleast partially) on the moon.
  12. There ya go! Thanks for clearing that up.
  13. I could be totally wrong. I thought someone got canned over there, a name we knew.
  14. The extras are on disc 8 and discs 15 and 16.
  15. Most likely me. And hey, I thought Tommy Yune got canned?
  16. Seriously, though? Poking around, I saw posts on rt.com with people saying SC was better than Frontier. I think its a joke, these people don't really exist. No one buys this crap.
  17. Nuke a space whale for Jesus! Remember in Macross Plus, when Isamu is being threatened with re-assignment, and they go through all of those locations? I assume there are many, many human worlds spread throughout the galaxy by 2059.
  18. I bet Egan Loo knows the story behind NUNS. We should form a mob and march on his home, and force him to tell us.
  19. BTW, speaking of, I don't think any of the Macross productions have gotten a character design as wrong as those for Mikhail and Luca. They'r ejust not bad, they're horrible. Amatuerish. BAD.
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