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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The Macross is named after Macbeth, it is why I asked.
  2. Well, he still hasn't figured out how to do that yet. The hand drawn animation is by far this series' weakest link, and I have found it to be sub-par compared to much of what I have watched over the past year. Doesn't mean I don't like this series, I absolutely love it.
  3. You do realize he goes to school to learn to fly these things, right?
  4. So you want Macross Frontier to look like a 1980's animated TV series?
  5. I have no idea what's going on. I've given up trying to guess.
  6. Yeah, too many people getting caught up in Macross 7 thinking, when this show isn't Macross 7. Using terms like "spiritia" and "sound energy". If I had to guess, I would say they are effected by emotional response. When Ranka screamed in the cockpit with Alto, they reacted and bugged out. This wasn't singing. If singing brings Ranka and Sheryl a great amount of joy, perhaps this attracts them. I dunno. In each series, music has been used differently. In SDF Macross, it was culture shock. In Plus it was hypnotic. In 7, it was, well, magical. In Zero it was, I dunno, a controlling force? Anyway, you get my point.
  7. 4. I haven't seen them use any. 5. The opening shows Alto taking out a Lobster with his gun pod. 6. We don't know that to be the case. 7. We don't know that to be the case. 8. We don't know that to be the case.
  8. As I said, if the Protodeviln don't have anything to do with the Frontier story, I think labeling Ranka or Sherly as "Anima Spiritia" is just incorrect.
  9. Doesn't make it Spiritia, and that had to do with her Protoculture roots, and her connection to the Aphos.
  10. Bah, want subs for 1.01...
  11. Whether is has an effect on them or not has yet to be revealed. Spiritia plays no role in SDF Macross, Plus, or Zero. I don't see why anyone would assume it would in Frontier. Unless they are assuming the Protodeviln play some role in Frontier.
  12. Screw the RAW, the DVD is up.
  13. Well, we were pretty militant back then, over the whole Harmony Gold mess. In the end, we still got our toys (sure, we had to import them), and VF-X2 wasn't all that great, anyway.
  14. I've seen this brought up several times, and it doesn't make any sense to me. I've seen several members refer to Ranka and/or Sheryl as "Anima Spiritia", which doesn't make any sense to me, unless they are assuming the Protodeviln are the main antagonists of Frontier.
  15. Cell tower game?? "Can you hear me now? Good"
  16. On my monitor, the 1440's looked cleaner than the 1280's. I could be seeing things, but that's how it looked to me. There may be some other factor besides resolution coming into play, I dunno. But I wouldn't bother downloading them if I didn't think the quality was better.
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