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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Just a thought (and perhaps this was covered), but KK is a child when miclonized, as result of a genetic defect. She didn't start out small as a small child, she started out big. She's Zentradi, 100%.
  2. See! This is what I was talking about!
  3. You can find it in the usual places. There are several releases of 1.01 now, including the full DVD.
  4. But are you watching it on a HDTV? It doesn't look anywhere near as bad on a standard set.
  5. The big SMS tower seems to be in a fairly public location. Its behind Sheryl in episode 3 while she is looking for Alto and runs into Ranka.
  6. I'm not getting that. She was very young at the time, and while the translation could be wrong here, it does come across that she was "one of the survivors", and not the only one (this could be wrong, though). The UN has admitted that these people were killed, they are not hiding that fact. If they were so intent on keeping her quiet, I don't think she'd have been allowed on the ship, and leave her running lose as some student and waitress.
  7. I don't see that, at all. It played no role in SDF Macross, Plus, and arguably Zero. Its a concept that is heavily tied into what the Protodeviln were. Zinjo had a good post on this: While Frontier seems to be paying homage to Macross of the past, we can't assume the story follows as well. Mikhail is in the blue fighter, but he's not the ace of the show, Alto is. Sheryl is the big singing star, not Ranka. Are we all assuming Luca and Ozma are going to die? Alto is going to end up with Ranka, and not Sheryl? We just don't know.
  8. What I wanna know is, just what happens in a "fold dislocation"?
  9. I think a big clue is the incident after Alto rescues her, and she screams, causing the Varja to bug out. They reacted, and that was not singing. Right now I am tentatively going with emotion, the reasoning being that the singing produces a higher state of certain emotions in these particular individuals, which attracts them. Ranka screaming in that scene was probably had a good amount of shock and confusion behind it, which caused the Varja to bug out. Hell, we don't even know if there is anything special about Ranka at all, besides the fact that she's had previous contact with the Varja (and the UN seems to know there is some effect on individuals who have had contact with the Varja, or they wouldn't be doing the blood testing). Sheryl, on the other hand, may be the one who is truly "special" going into it. But really, we won't know anything for sure until we actually see it. Would could all be way, way off base. WAFO
  10. Which means they are both dead, which isn't such a bad thing. But no, as discussed before, people need to stop equating Macross Frontier with Macross 7. Its a new series, a new story. I'm still not even convinced its the singing that is attracting the Varja.
  11. 2. To her, or to something about her? I'll go with the latter (until further notice). 3. Eh, you're looking at it cockeyed. There is more to the Varja than Kawamori and Co have shown us, for sure. 4. This is made clear in episode 4, the UN covered up the attack on the research fleet, calling it "fold dislocation".
  12. It was my understanding that the differences were cosmetic, but I haven't read alot on the subject.
  13. Yeah, see, that doesn't work for me. We don't actually know its the singing itself they are drawn to. Also, they allowed Sheryl to come on board to close out her 3 month tour, and she seems to attract them as well. So they think its OK that Sheryl attracts them, but not Ranka? We don't even know if Ranka was amongst the top runners up. Out of all of the likely scenarios, the one that was the most plausible for me was that Leon did it because of Ozma's past relationship with Kathy. I am going to stick with that until I have more information to go on. Leon could be a big fat cheat, too, and has been nailing the chick who won.
  14. Well, on my monitor, the aspect ratio is off on the IZ rip.
  15. Actually, I rathed liked the effect. BTW, I don't think those are misplaced sonic booms in the combat sequence. At first I thought they were perhaps maneuvering thrusters, but if you notice, you mostly seem them after one of them has made a hard turn. I am thinking we are seeing some sort of burst thrust effect.
  16. I had an Ozma/Obi Wan - Alto/Luke moment there. "He is reckless..." "So was I, if you remember."
  17. Well, I have the actual DVD now. Unfortunately, I see no way to watch this with subs unless I rip the video and add them myself.
  18. I thought something looked screwy with that RAW, the aspect ratio is totally off.
  19. Ok, from the subs we have learned: That was the 12th Miss Macross Frontier contest, so we can assume the Frontier has been in space for atleast that long. The fleet that Ranka was on that was destroyed by the Varja was the 117th research fleet. This took place in 2048. 1,000 lives were lost in that attack, and the public story put out was the disaster was caused by a "fold dislocation" (Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star, or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?)
  20. Well, they're being piloted by OG Meltrans. It kinda helps.
  21. The "head beings" are a product of a mental break, there nothing mechanical about them. Baltar sees what he does because he is batshat crazy (Moore and company have stated as much, on more than one occasion). I'm sure Tigh sees what he does because he's losing it as well. And no, Six doesn't know Tigh is a Cylon. Tigh is reading way too far into what she is saying to him, and he's not in his right mind to begin with.
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