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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Why is the show doing xyz? Because the books took them to those places. They've been stuck cleaning up GRRM's stalling mess, and they haven't always done a great job with it. Whatever they're trying to do, they need to get these characters to specific locations to match up with the core plot lines of the books.
  2. While 'm fully behind "no fan service" when it comes to this topic, I don't have a lot of hope Macross would avoid it.
  3. I'll rephrase: it's frankly disgusting that sexuality has been made into a political issue. I've likely said much more than should be on this forum, so I will say no more. I made my vote, and I'd suggest everyone involved stay on topic.
  4. I'd like to see a Knights of Sidonia situation where there is a species that can change sex. Have an androgynous character in the triangle.
  5. Sexuality is not a political issue.
  6. His backside. Everyone I know loved TFA. A couple of people on a message board certainly don't speak for the fandom as a whole.
  7. Macross needs to do something different. I'd be in favor of this.
  8. Well, that sure was predictable. It's paint-by-numbers Macross.
  9. There's a theory that Arya is setting up the Waif. A gut stab is an awfully steep price to pay to lure her into a trap.
  10. I'm assuming Arya is going to be found and tended to by the mummer she spared/saved in episode 6.
  11. I was wondering the same thing. Seems like it would be easier to do practically.
  12. Lady Mormont was flat out fantastic. And none of the Arya/Waif theories make a lick of sense under the slightest amount of scrutiny.
  13. Man who makes stupid movies spouts stupid nonsense. News at 11. If it's good, I'll see it; if it's mediocre or bad, I won't. That's pretty much how I approach every movie.
  14. It would have to put up a stellar number (90%+) on RT to get me to pay to see it in the theater.
  15. The Manderly's have been named dropped no less than 3 times this season, and I am ready to call a Chekhov's Manderly on the entire thing. They have to show up at this point.
  16. Transitional episode, but that's ok. While not as great as the last two episodes, it was still solid. I'll have more thoughts to share tomorrow.
  17. Here is a HUGE version of the official map: The World of Ice and Fire
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