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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You do realize they've totally changed direction with this show more than once, right? They admitted early on they had no idea where they were going with things. I think in this case, you have fallen for the same ramblings from Baltar that Tory did. And we have discussed many times before about Moore and Co saying one thing, and then doing exactly the opposite. I always like to point to the "we won't destroy the Pegasus, just because everyone expects us to" stuff Moore was pushing for a while. Could the "mental break" line they've been toting forever be BS? Sure. But that's the only explanation we have right now. Personally, I don't want to give Baltar credit for anything. In my mind, there can be no greater end to his storyline when the final curtain comes down than him realizing he's a total fool, a coward, and in the end, really nothing special. He's nothing more than a weak and pathetic man.
  2. Well, until we hear otherwise, I'm sticking with the official line on this. And I am 100% sure the Baltar/Tory scenes where meant to be taken as Tory looking for answers about her existence, and seeing more meaning in what Baltar was saying than was his actual intent. She is so moved because, wow, this guy understands me, he knows me, this all makes sense to me... when really it was just the usual rambling nonsense from Baltar.
  3. Yes That he killed his wife isn't exactly a secret. I'd have to watch the scene again, but like Baltar and Tory, there is a good chance what she was talking about and what Tigh thought she was talking about are two different things.
  4. Ranka has barely gotten any fanservice action, at all. Unless you count her Miss Macross swimsuit, they've been rather conservative with her. This is a very nice change to what they did with Mylene in 7.
  5. What Baltar was talking about and what Tory thought he was talking about are two different things. We as the audience are supposed to understand this. Same as what I said above.
  6. Says it all right there.
  7. Fan service has its place in anime, and the amount you have (and they type) has to be balanced with the kind of anime it is. Macross is going to have some amount of fan service, but the idea is its a more mature show, it shouldn't be over the top. We have to give them some credit with Frontier, they have totally avoided throwing in a single upskirt shot. The boobage in Frontier is over the top for the kind of show it is and the franchise it is a part of. Its gratuitous. That is my complain with it.
  8. Except they've stated several times that she is a result of a total mental break.
  9. Yeah, we need officially sanctioned links to these songs.
  10. Times have changed, and it does look like the SMS have their own New Macross class vessel. Not much of a stretch to think if they have something that powerful, they'd have access to nukes, as well.
  11. You know, we haven't had an appearance by the Hory Froating Head in a while.
  12. But Adama is already sitting at the table.
  13. Stands With Fist speaks the truth. Let the dubs die.
  14. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we are all very grateful for your time and effort. If I had one request, though, it would be for accuracy over speed. I'll wait another day for a sub release if that means it allows the translator another viewing or two to get it right. Anywho, thanks again.
  15. I think the 2D animation in Frontier is on par with say, Gurren Lagann, but clearly is not up to the quality of shows like Eureka Seven, Planetes, and Mushi-shi. It lacks even the consistency of quality of Haruhi Suzumiya. And while it has some character designs that I think are rather well done (Ranka, Sheryl, Alto, for instance), it also has some totally amateurish designs like Mikhail, Luca, and Leon. As a complete visual package, its nowhere close to Zero. However, I think its been exceptionally well directed, and the CG work is rather good. The show is just flat out good, but I for one am a little disappointed that the standard if quality on the 2D animation isn't something being pushed for a franchise like Macross.
  16. I will say this, though, I think the show is very well directed. I also think the CG work is solid.
  17. I disagree, I have to say I've been a bit disappointed, but I probably don't watch as many series as you guys do.
  18. She thinks Alto has her earring, and .
  19. ANother question between the Gattai subs and the AiA I-Z release: is Ranka the "only survivor" of the 117th Research Fleet, or "one of the only"?
  20. Perhaps we should start our own subtitle project here. Take what's released, cross reference them all, make corrections we feel are necessary, and release a master sub file for the membership.
  21. Hence the request for the sub files.
  22. I was going to curse you, because I had already stayed up late to watch the AiA release, but then I saw your note about Tuesday. Can't wait, thanks again.
  23. I really liked the AiA I-Z release. I think maybe its their best work out of the 4 episodes. Alto with a "h" still confuses me a bit, though. I'm still not convinced that there aren't places where stuff is being left out, but having read the manga and seen one sub release already, I felt that everything was gotten across to the viewer. I do have one complaint, though. I've fallen in love with "fold dislocation". I request it be used for all future references of the incident. Oh yeah, we ever going to see any sub files from you guys?
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