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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yeah, when you look at overall ratings, the big shows are more family oriented, and unless its an uber hot anime, most of the rest fall late at night and does much lower numbers. I don't know how the Japanese system works, but I know in the US they don't count DVRed shows in the ratings.
  2. Shinsen's episode 5 release was very good. They rebounded very nicely from a sub-par (for them) release of episode 4.
  3. Going to vote again for no spoiler tags after page 1, but I'll continue to use as specified. Have we figured out yet who Elmo Kridanik is?
  4. Yeah, I think the Sheryl hate comes from months of only having the Deculture cut of episode 1. I guess we have some members who have not been able to move past that.
  5. The question isn't "why?" Its "Why not!"
  6. I wouldn't quite see the point in that, and its transformation is more akin to the VF-25 than anything else.
  7. Yeah, no, that's not going to cut it. For now I am going to hope and assume there is some Earth connection here.
  8. Your links, they are THE dead. edit: Ooh, you fixed them.
  9. What do they need variable fighters for?
  10. I'm really not sure how to take this. I'll be extremely disappointed if they are going back to the "look, the bad guys have variable fighetrs too!" of Macross 7. Why, why would the Vajra develop variable fighters? There better be a human connection here, or I'll be pretty disappointed.
  11. Well, if I read this like it sounds, it looks like the events of Zero have become a part of pop culture? I don't think its what Zinjo had in mind when he was talking about the events being declassified, but credit would totally go to him if this is as it sounds.
  12. Not a bad idea, but the kids are far too young to survive on their own, and it doesn't answer the question of the 13th colony and those who have come before.
  13. I compare it to several series I've watched in the past year, year and a half, and its average, at best. However, this doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the series at all. I love it. I guess I just expected a series with the name Macross on it to have higher production values than Frontier does. Granted, the CG work is very good, and as Graham pointed out, the backgrounds are excellent.
  14. The art and animation have been consistently average to sub-par since episode 1. It hasn't gotten worse.
  15. But they have been checking and posting. I ask that you read more about what has been going on here before criticizing others. And there has been a ton of support for Both AiA-IZ's work and Gattai's, the main two Frontier sub groups.
  16. I am assuming the fansubbers are eager for feedback, or they wouldn't come post here. And I certainly don't think any of us has been disrespectful or ungrateful.
  17. If its accurate and a good read, the waiting is certainly worth it.
  18. Personally, I watch 3 a week (AiA-IZ, Gattai, and Shinsen).
  19. Yeah, sorry, I flushed way too much money down the rain playing WoW for 2 years, don't think I'll invest anymore in some flash duds for a virtual toon.
  20. Several instances of funny wording. Not plot errors, mind you, but just how it reads. Alto tells Mikhail that "you better not forget this!" when he is pushing him hard, which makes no sense. It should read something like, "I won't forget this!" Also, "It's twice as tough with the EX-Gear switched on.", which again, makes no sense. Its easier with it switched on. There are several instances of that kinda thing in this episode. And then it seems like several people are just given the rank of captain (including Bobby??). Some of their choices when it comes to wording strike me as odd, as well. Shinsen's first three episodes are still better than the first three put out by the other three groups doing this series, and I was just a little shocked to see such a drop in quality in this release. For my money, Shinsen has been doing the best work, accuracy and readability. Gattai does well with accuracy, but suffers when it comes to readability. AiA-IZ is a solid read, but the translation has been a little too fast and loose for my liking. You *must* get plot points right when subbing, over everything else. However, their episode 4 release is my favorite Frontier sub so far. Outside of the big flub on Ranka being the only survivor of the 117th Research Fleet, I really felt AiA-IZ took a big step forward with episode 4, and I am eagerly awaiting their episode 5 work.
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