Several instances of funny wording. Not plot errors, mind you, but just how it reads. Alto tells Mikhail that "you better not forget this!" when he is pushing him hard, which makes no sense. It should read something like, "I won't forget this!" Also, "It's twice as tough with the EX-Gear switched on.", which again, makes no sense. Its easier with it switched on. There are several instances of that kinda thing in this episode. And then it seems like several people are just given the rank of captain (including Bobby??). Some of their choices when it comes to wording strike me as odd, as well. Shinsen's first three episodes are still better than the first three put out by the other three groups doing this series, and I was just a little shocked to see such a drop in quality in this release.
For my money, Shinsen has been doing the best work, accuracy and readability. Gattai does well with accuracy, but suffers when it comes to readability. AiA-IZ is a solid read, but the translation has been a little too fast and loose for my liking. You *must* get plot points right when subbing, over everything else. However, their episode 4 release is my favorite Frontier sub so far. Outside of the big flub on Ranka being the only survivor of the 117th Research Fleet, I really felt AiA-IZ took a big step forward with episode 4, and I am eagerly awaiting their episode 5 work.