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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Its not that simple. There is a UN connection. Speaking of Mr B, what was with the playing with his ring?
  2. Common sense says Shinsen got it wrong. I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know that. Why would Alto tell Michel, "you better not forget this!", when Michel is hazing/punishing him? He wouldn't, it makes no sense. What does make sense is what shows up in the other subs, which is "I will remember this!" Why would Michel have Alto do 25 laps with the EX-Gear powered on? That would only make it easier. The suit was designed for increased mobility, firepower, and survivability. We've seen it in action twice so far (not counting the hazing). While the other subs differ on the exact translation, the gist is the same, its easier with the suit powered on (so don't do it). I don't need to be able to translate the dialog myself to know that what Shinsen put was wrong. Hence, you are wrong. Get over it and move on.
  3. Yeah, I dunno. I think we'll just have to wait and see.
  4. It figures it would be THIS episode that we have problems getting the RAW for, LOL.
  5. So, Shinsen got it right, and the other fansubbers got it wrong? That's the story you are sticking with? Even though Shinsen's dialog in that scene doesn't make any sense? Look, they screwed up, it happens. Its a fansub. Can we move on from this?
  6. Why would the Protoculture follow UN fighter naming conventions (VF-27)? There's a UN connection here, for sure, just don't know what yet.
  7. The FLV one isn't washed out, though. I dunno, I just hope something better comes along.
  8. Well, we'll agree to disagree then. I don't need to be fluent in Japanese to know Shinsen screwed up. Doesn't stop me from thinking they put out the best Frontier release, either. Personally, I download 3 to 4 releases for Frontier a week. Its really the best way to get the full picture as to what is going on.
  9. Dude, calm down. Seriously. Its a fansub, its not life or death. No kitties were harmed in the making of this thread.
  10. Bah, the picture is kinda screwy with the 704x396 RAW. Its washed out.
  11. I am going to consider this image non-spoiler, as we saw a glimpse of the Galaxy at the end of episode 6.
  12. I am going to guess that whoever has been capping Frontier got arrested. edit: Episode 7 finally popped up on Share. D-MBS 704x396 DivX6.8.2
  13. Well, episode 7 was back to the status quo, and it looks like 8 will be the same, as well. No complaints here.
  14. Oh, yeah, lots of Sheryl nudity in this one.
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