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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. As far as the time frame goes, you have to accept that there are significant periods of time passing between episodes. Otherwise GoT would go on for 15 seasons because of how much GRRM has dragged out the story in the books so he can age the younger characters. It's probably safe to say months have passed since episode 1 of this season.
  2. So, we let them all die then? Let Ramsay rule the North? Sounds like a plan. I assume your preferred version of the end game is the White Walkers come south and kill everyone?
  3. Why would we be? We knew it was coming. What did you think was going to happen?
  4. Well, this movie has pretty much died at the box office. Between the filming budget and the marketing, it's made its money back, but not much more. Unless this does big money in DVD sales, I'd be surprised if we saw a sequel.
  5. So, um, where was Ghost? Not in the CGI budget? Even Maximus had his dog with him.
  6. I stopped after that first episode. Perhaps I should watch another.
  7. It's pretty clearly Max, Milia, and Hikaru. And whoever called out the potty humor, that was spot on. WTF?
  8. They'll eventually replace Messer with one of the Knights who switches sides.
  9. Well, I was wondering more about its staying power than the impression one gets from the first few episodes.
  10. While there is plenty of cool stuff in this episode, it felt like they were trying way too hard to make you care for a 1-dimensional character they had just killed off who you knew nothing about. Hell, I don't know anything about any of these characters.
  11. Given there is no change in release date and we know the reshoots were scheduled before principle photography even began, I'd say not extensive at all. Edit: in a recent interview, Mads Mikkelsen stated that he only has one day of reshoots, and that "It’s the same film, it’s just adding little bits here and there to do the final polishing."
  12. How does that make the script or acting better? That's what the movie is getting killed for: bad writing and acting.
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