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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Media Player Classic keeps giving me error messages when I try to grab these screens. You can see what may be the NUNS insignia just as it starts to fly infront of Michel (after the reflection in his helmet), and again just as the VF-27 transforms and flies away as the Quarter moves in for the kill. Its on the top of the wing. I could be wrong, and Kresphy could be wrong, but it looks like the NUNS insignia to me. It also has a new one toward the nose, wish I could grab a screenie of it.
  2. I am trying to get a decent screen shot, but when Michel sees the VF-27 flying in, it looks like the NUNS insignia on the top of the wing. You can also see it when it transforms and flies away when the Quarter pries open the Vajra ship.
  3. Looking at the scene again, frame by frame, if I had to put money on it I'd say its the NUNS insignia. It has the gap in the circle and the right over left overlap. Also, there is another insignia near the nose, not sure what it is.
  4. He's right, it does look like the new NUNS insignia. It might not be, though, and its just the angle we are seeing it at. But the way it looks in that screen shot, I'd says it has NUNS markings. Great pickup, Kresphy, good to see you back.
  5. I have the Shinsen-raws and TV-Japan 1280 x 720 releases (mp4 and avi), and neither of them have the brightness/contrast issues of the 704 x 396 release.
  6. If you've been posting, I haven't seen it. You guys have really been kicking ass since episode 4.
  7. You have to say wrinkle, 'cause fold makes me think she had something growing inside of her that "folded" away.
  8. Another thing that has me wondering, what was Dick Vilrer doing with his ring? Can't say he was just fidgeting, unless the director was trying to show us that hey, this guy wears jewelry made out of that mysterious purple stone, too (which is a possibility). Did he call in the VF-27's with his ring, or were they really just wanting us to see the purple stone? Questions, questions!
  9. So, what do we all think? Did the Galaxy survive? Was the VF-27 trying to help Luca and Alto escape, or was he shooting at them? No clue on the first, maybe there is something in the dialog, and the second is really kinda fuzzy. Brera shoots the gun out of the hand of Luca's VF-25, but I'm not sure if he did it because he's a hostile. I kinda get the feeling that they are from some undisclosed third party, who will probably be hostile at first, but end up joining the good guys by the end of the series (they always do in Macross, don't they?).
  10. Uh, its complete, and I was seeding it all night. Last check (this morning) it had over 200 seeders.
  11. Speed. Miracle. Spacy. There ya go.
  12. Hey hey, haven't seen you around for a while.
  13. "Speed! Miracle! Spacy!" From Shinsen-subs.org. Its from the SMS Squadron song.
  14. I think someone put up a link here, or that might have been on the ZERO RAWs IRC channel. They were talking about it there, as well.
  15. Not saying you are right or wrong, just curious about what prompts you to say that?
  16. I dunno, the RAWs for Frontier had been maxing out my connection at times (with 1 seeder) for previous releases. I think the deal here is that Shinsen is releasing it, and its not a usual release for them. I'm thankful to have it at all, really. I'll take slow.
  17. Dunno, but we have 1 seeder 300 something leechers. Speed is slow.
  18. Shinsen RAW seems to finally be downloading.
  19. Works for me, but we don't have a seeder.
  20. Not surprising, really. Perhaps Warcraft forums are more your speed, hm? Anyway, I'm done with this discussion. Its not what this thread was for.
  21. I dunno, going by Macross history, it wouldn't surprise me if they may be "bad guys" at first, but toward the end they end up helping the "good guys".
  22. Judging by the pictures he put up, there definitely is.
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