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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You can't dismiss the fact that the nose of the VF-27 bears the Galaxy insignia. There is definitely something shady going on, but I don't think you can pin it just on the Frontier. The UN is involved, the Galaxy is involved (atleast, its private backers), and the Frontier is involved.
  2. It seems that people who come in contact with the Vajra show some sort of taint in their blood. Or some marker, I don't know.
  3. Nice release by GG. See, you don't have to drop f-bombs.
  4. Foo Fighter was WW2 pilot slang for a UFO.
  5. Except they look nothing alike, and he has Zentradi ears.
  6. But I want Alto to end up with Sheryl...
  7. I'd rather they not go down that route, at all.
  8. Old boyfriend comes into the room while talking to the new one.
  9. Who cares, it wasn't Speed Racer, and the art was great.
  10. I"m getting a real Macross Plus vibe from the VF-27/Galaxy situation, that being technology being used in ways it should not be, perhaps even illegally.
  11. Huh? I don't think I've said anything sarcastic in this thread?
  12. Yes, exactly. They had alot of personality.
  13. You need to watch this episode again, because you couldn't be more wrong. Cell count is low, but art quality is high. As I said before, this may be the best the character art has looked yet.
  14. I'd say the episode is very well directed, the 2D art looks fantastic, and once we have subs, I'm sure it'll prove to be quite amusing. It is, however, a little light on the cell count. But this is NOT a product of the Manila studio.
  15. The character art in this episode is about as good as I've seen it in this series. There definitely is a budget crunched Evangelion feel to this episode, though, lots of still shots, or moving shots over backgrounds.
  16. The art is too consistent to be from the Manila studio. I'll check the credit, buts I don't believe its the same studio. Too early to judge on animation, but the art looks like what we are used to.
  17. Would be kinda hard to call it "Red Dawn" if the bad guys aren't "red", LOL.
  18. *cough cough cough* *HACK* *COUGH* Oh, sorry.
  19. I have my opinions on the 3 subs released so far, but the only one I'm really wanting to share is that its a real shame GG has to go and ruin their sub with a f-bomb in the opening sequence. Frontier is still an active project at Shinsen, they just don't have a steady release schedule with it. If I recall correctly, they've only released 2 episodes in the week following their broadcast. I"m a big Shinsen fan as well, so I feel your pain.
  20. Robocop remake will be a straight actioner, you can forget the social commentary and satire. Red Dawn is a Generation X classic, I have no idea how they could make this contemporary. Plus, no Milius = no interest. Oh yeah, now they are talking Highlander remake. Honestly, it wouldn't be very hard to make a new film that's better than the original. They NEED to keep to Queen soundtrack, or they may as well not even bother.
  21. You can't go by those "top" lists, time plays too much of a factor in it.
  22. For my iPod I go with 192 vbr.
  23. Well, they are essentially scouting for suitable planets.
  24. Man, I had forgotten how bad 128Kbps sounded, LOL.
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