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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. If we are talking about the VF-27, its not purple. At all. I know purple, and that is not it. However, I do not believe they are referring to the fighter's color. Remember, a key piece of Frontier seems to be this mysterious purple crystal. I would assume its referring to that.
  2. I was somewhat wrong, it seems to be the unnamed Zentradi Battle Suit from Plus, not the defined Nousjadeul-Ger suit. Close, but not the same.
  3. My Bell Animation, I believe its Korean.
  4. He has the ears, and his sister had the ears...
  5. There is interest between Klan Klan and Michel because he has the blue valk and she has the red battle suit. Kawamori and Co. made their intentions pretty clear on this one.
  6. Well, the art/animation was crap, but the mecha porn was good.
  7. Luca is totally Nene (Romanova). A wiz with computers but useless in combat. I have no idea what Frontier Nene is good for.
  8. 2 or 3 days at the earliest (usually).
  9. No, because they aren't out yet. Too soon!
  10. That's because they are aboard the Frontier, and that is the Frontier insignia.
  11. Being able to watch the RAW now, something I didn't notice watching over Keyhole, the character art took a hit in this episode. Its as bad as episode 6, I'd say.
  12. Actually, Alto/Klan was a stalemate in the anime, and Alto beats her in the manga. The -27 is also a next generation advanced fighter. And, of course, Alto is the "genius pilot" of this series. Can't sell him short.
  13. The NUNS insignia is VERY clear in episode 9. I don't consider this to be a spoiler at this point. You cannot doubt what is on that fighter after seeing this episode.
  14. G13 on TV would be a like a PG13 Rambo movie. WTF would want to see that?
  15. Maybe its just me, but I just don't see the Japanese audience tuning out after an episode full of fanservice. I think that may actually be against the law in Japan.
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