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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I am at a buddy's place, and he doesn't have the East Asian language pack installed, so I can't see the channel names in KeyHole here. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to which channel it is (under this, above that, that sorta thing).
  2. I'll say it again, unless Moore was lying out his ass every time he was asked the question, no one in the picture if the Final Cylon. And going be the reactions of some of the cast when they found out who the person was, I am going to assume its someone we generally would not suspect.
  3. That might be the episode title, but I wouldn't read too much into it yet. Unless I see something official posted, I am going to assume the Aimo connection is just guesswork.
  4. Final episode spoiler (confirmed):
  5. I dunno, I'm secure enough to handle a sexy Stan Winston cyborg.
  6. Totally going to hold you to that.
  7. I don't see the connection the transformers, but Big West and Studio Nue own the rights to the character and mecha designs of SDF Macross. Harmony Gold cannot legally produce a series or a movie using those designs. This was settled in Japanese court 5 years ago or so. It CAN'T be a Macross movie.
  8. It can't and won't be a Macross movie.
  9. Maybe the photo shoot didn't mean anything, but he has said, more than once, that the person who is the Final Cylon is not in that picture. And no, I couldn't come up with a list without rewatching some episodes, which I'm just not going to do right now. I'm sure someone else is already working on it out there.
  10. Baltar is in the picture... unless there is more than one Baltar.
  11. No, he is on the record, more than once, that the Final Cylon is NOT in the picture. Multiple sources here, he's been asked about it more than once. Of course, he could be lying. My money is on it being someone we haven't seen in a long while who is not amongst the Colonials at the moment. You know what I wonder about? The people who survived the attacks on the 12 Colonies. I can't imagine that over 12 worlds there aren't some survivors, thousands of them perhaps.
  12. The Final Cylon was not only not in the "Last Supper" picture (which Moore has stated more than once, now), but they were also not in the Colonial fleet (per 3's dialog) when the pilots, the President, and Baltar were being held hostage. Roslyn and Baltar are both in the picture, so that means its either one of the pilots, someone we last saw in the 12 Colonies in the mini, or someone we haven't seen yet. Reading the reactions from some of the cast when they were told who the Final Cylon was, I am guessing its someone we would never guess. They all seemed to be expecting someone bigger, more prominent. Anywho, just my 2 cents.
  13. I rather liked the Plus dub. One of the few I do. "You're going to get us both killed, you crazy bastard!" "Did you say, 'faster'!"
  14. More like the original SDF Macross. The second half of the season is not alot unlike the extra 10 post-Space War I episodes tacked onto the original show.
  15. 1. We don't know that. 2. I don't understand where you are getting that from.
  16. This makes much more sense. Thank you.
  17. I am guessing you didn't follow Gurren Lagann...
  18. I am thinking the damage done to it (its lost leg) may have hampered its ability to fold.
  19. So, anyone else notice the fold booster on the -27 in the next episode preview?
  20. Yes, and Shouta has been great interacting with us and taking feedback from us.
  21. Nah, that's too "Darth Vader built C3-PO". Interesting line, where the mysterious voice talks to Brera about making up for his past. I didn't take this as meaning literally *his* past, more of a "sins of the father/mother/family/whatever".
  22. Which is where Rick Hunter comes in as the director of the Bird Human movie.
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