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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if this was largely the fault of their budget and the costs of the mecha and ship fx. On a production level, I think things were poorly planned out (or simply poor decisions were made concerning money allocation), and its suffered a little because of it. This isn't to say it sucks, I love the show. But the mistakes they are making are fairly obvious. And, for the record, The Old Man and The Sea is my favorite book, and my first edition copy of it my most prized possession.
  2. You know, I've been wondering the same thing. They dump their armor like crazy in Frontier, even at times when it doesn't make any sense to.
  3. Honestly, sometimes I wonder while reading some of the posts around here if some people are actually watching the show, or just commenting on what they hear about it...
  4. You do realize he had been in space flight training for the 4 years leading up to the first episode of Frontier, right? And why are you so fixated on how easily the Vajra went down, when they *seem* to be painting the Galaxy fleet as the true villian in the show.
  5. My money is on Also, is Kawamori pulling an I sure hope not. I am still sticking with what I said last week, the Vajra
  6. Wow, they reused a ton of previous scenes/art in the first half of this episode. It doesn't come off poorly, but if you've been following along faithfully, you'll notice it.
  7. Yeah, this is MBS, but no Frontier, LOL.
  8. Yeah, but they weren't widely available within days of airing back then.
  9. Final Cylon tidbits: SciFi Channel's Mark Stern describes the reveal of the Final Cylon as "organic and satisfying. It won't be some day player from Season 1." Aaron Douglas' comments during the writers' strike regarding the Final Cylon: "I was curious quite a bit but it was certainly a shock when I found out who it is. I never would have expected that person. It is revealed in the last thing we shot so if we don’t come back, that will be the end of the show." From Aaron Douglas Interview [This seems to indicate that the Final Cylon is revealed in episode , which was the last filmed before the strike. Aaron's comments fit with the mid-season teaser that had Tigh addressing someone as the fifth Cylon.]
  10. Nah, my money is with corporate bad guys.
  11. Yes. Some of us have even taken to watching a live stream of the show.
  12. Oh, i'll download a sub every week just to get the story, but as far as what I keep, its Shinsen. They are up to episode 11, last I checked. Wonder if 12 is out yet...
  13. Unless we get a fansubber come out of nowhere and just blow us all away, I've dumped everything in favor of Shinsen. Cleared out quite a few GB in the process.
  14. "He's more machine than man, now..." It was her brother, but is it really her brother anymore?
  15. Why is it so hard to believe that Mao would be the grandmother and not the mother of Ranka? Are you guys just determined to have her be the mother?
  16. Hey, I'm ready to be a militant Macross fan again.
  17. I would stop reading that forum.
  18. Well yeah. Most of the characters in Frontier are related in spirit to past Macross characters. What amuses me the most is that our love triangle seems to each be part Minmay; each one reflects a different time period or different facet of her personality.
  19. No. The answer ye seek is in the Compendium.
  20. When I said episode to episode, I didn't mean on the fly. What I meant was I suspect when these scripts were being written, there was a certain disregard for what may be canon, retcon, or just made up on the spot. While we see Megaroads designated as "SDF" in the opening sequence of episode 1, its very possible they chose to totally disregard it for the "Global" story in 12 & 13. Afterall, its only a cartoon, who could possibly care (outside of these international english speaking nutjobs).
  21. I think there may have been an instance or two that they didn't get the footage in until the day of.
  22. There is no plot twist, only Bruce!
  23. No, but that was a pretty hot move.
  24. I assumed it was a typo.
  25. Megaroad-03 launched in 2014, not the -13.
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