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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I really appreciate that the fandom has dubbed Daemon “The King of F*ck Around and Find Out.” He’s my favorite Targaryen from the histories, and I’m very happy to see how show watchers have fallen in love with the character.
  2. If they can make a Star Wars drama that is this good, why not explore other genres? Comedy, horror, thriller, what have you. Andor proves it doesn’t all have to be space opera or action.
  3. I know this show isn’t working completely for some of you, but the more I see of it the more I love it. This show has the best writing for anything Star Wars-related since Empire. Was talking with a guy at work who is a little older than me who grew up with the OT like I did. He’s of a similar mind as I am: Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie since the OT and Andor is just more of that, but even better.
  4. They can pull from The Hobbit, The LotR, and all of the included appendices. Which, is actually a good amount of information. But if it’s only in The Simarillion, it’s off limits.
  5. I think this show is fine, though I’m not sure I’d be watching if it wasn’t LotR related. I wonder how much Amazon is handicapped by not having the rights to The Simarillion?
  6. Given the response to this show, I’d say you’re in the minority. That said, everyone has their own tastes, so I’m not going to tell you how you should feel about this show. I hope you find more enjoyment in it going forward.
  7. I was really pleasantly surprised by House of the Dragon. It's been quite good and I eagerly await each new episode. Given the viewership numbers, it looks to be a major hit with fans, too.
  8. Andor is better written, better acted, and better looking than the other three Star Wars shows. And it's very much its own creature. It's intelligent. It's thoughtful. It's adult. Lucasfilm has hit a home run with this show and it just raises the bar for Star Wars shows. Lucasfilm producing shows of a lesser quality than this (such as Boba Fett and Obi Wan) just won't be acceptable going forward. That Tony Gilroy has been given two 12-episode seasons to let this story breath is a major win for fans. Hopefully Andor leads to more of the same from Lucasfilm.
  9. When this news broke I was definitely shocked. Obviously happy, but I couldn’t quite process it. Now that I’ve had a few days I find myself less excited by this. With the exception of Delta, I’ve watched every Macross production at least twice. I’m not waiting on anything. What does this really mean to me? I really don’t know.
  10. Yeah, I saw it on Kotaku before I was about to go to bed.
  11. Rewatching that scene, it REALLY looks like she says his name is Aegon. Or perhaps Aegor. Definitely starts with "Aeg."
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