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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I thought Prime only did HDR10+ and not Dolby Vision? I'd have to look into that.
  2. Yeah, that's not how things work. You're actually borking your colors by letting Roku display everything in Dolby Vision mode. Dolby Vision should only be used if the content you're watching is encoded with it. You can't force/convert it. It'll only screw up your colors.
  3. I'm actually ok with fixing animation/coloring errors. I'm also ok with cleaning up FX shots in live-action films. But I'm not ok with removing natural film grain inherent to the negative, and I generally have issues with entirely new color gradings, especially if they dramatically alter the look of the film.
  4. Most fan-AI upscale content I've seen out there has had its fair share of issues. Really not that great. I'd rather watch the original HD.
  5. It always annoys me when they do that sorta thing with anime subtitles. So common. Who decided we couldn't handle characters referring to their family members by what the actual relation is?
  6. Don't hold your breath. Edit: it should also be noted that an 8K scan of the camera negative wouldn't produce a better image than the 5K. A film shot on 35mm doesn't benefit from it. There's simply not that level of information in the image. 70mm is another story, but it's not widely used.
  7. I guess Britai's clothing/body moves when he talks in the original, but doesn't in the new release. I'm not sure that's something that needed to be fixed. It's natural for the body to move when you talk.
  8. What are we supposed to be seeing here?
  9. There will never be an 8K release. No point in it. You'd never notice the difference. You'd have to be sitting within 5 feet of a 100-inch 8K TV to tell the difference between 8K and 4K. Never mind there's no physical media that can adequately support it, and streaming can't even come close to properly doing 4K. Kawamori would have to have a significant change of heart to revisit this movie in 4K. This scrubbed, glowed-up release is exactly what he wanted. That said, they did something like three different releases of DYRL in HD over the years, yeah?
  10. Hasn't it already been established that they're ignoring most of the Alien franchise? Probably for the better.
  11. Reports have the episode being edited on other platforms as well (though, not all). So this isn't just a Disney thing. And again, this isn't streaming on Disney. It's streaming on Star internationally, and Hulu in the US. That both integrate with Disney is besides the point. I can't speak for Star, but there is plenty of content on Hulu that is the exact opposite of Disney-friendly.
  12. Is it just me, or does the 4K look blurry compared to the 2016 release in a bunch of those shots?
  13. I was kinda hoping they'd do what is fairly common in the US: new 4K disc, along with the existing HD disc. Except with subtitles.
  14. Does anyone know (or can now check) if the included HD blu is the remaster or the 2016 release?
  15. Amazon Japan charged my card, but it has not yet shipped. Estimated delivery is Feb 3rd through the 12th.
  16. They lost the original elements. They've been re-releasing the video captured from the laserdisc for decades. There is no better video of it.
  17. You have confirmed what we were all worried about. That's a shame. Do I keep my order before it ships from Amazon...?
  18. I don't know that a script "signed" by a fictional character is that much of a draw for me, lol.
  19. The fading to black finally got to me in episode 12 of Frontier, so I hopped on the old interwebs to dig up a copy of the episode. The good news is after comparing the two, we aren't missing any content with those fades to black as I had wrongly suspected.
  20. The scene served no purpose and I don't understand why they included it to begin with. But, this is probably the wrong thread for this discussion.
  21. AnimEigo has a new BGC disc release coming in February. Two-disc set, which is an upgrade for anyone with the non-Kickstarter release. Minor upgrade for those who got the Kickstarter release. https://www.mediaocd.com/bubblegum-crisis
  22. The scene is not missed. At all. Quite the opposite.
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