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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Male Human Heavy. Darker grey would be pretty sweet. But my question still is, what files are you editing?
  2. I tell ya, DH, if you can replace the red with grey, it would do wonders. What fiels are you editing and what software are you using to do it?
  3. I'll assume we'll see something new with the Mako in ME2.
  4. Well, the Devs did talk about making changes to the control scheme onthe PC, and it certainly sounds like the PC version is improved in this area (because of having both the mouse and the keyboard). Personally, I have no issue strafing in the Mako, or aiming in general.
  5. Now that's not bad.
  6. Well, it handles like a 6 wheeled vehicle with an artificially lowered mass driving in a low gravity environment.
  7. What are you using to mod the armor? It drives me batty that the Colossus armor looks like a COBRA reject from the GI Joe toy line. I wanna take the gloss off of this thing and change the red. Wouldn't be so bad if it was someone else in the squad, but I have it for my Shep, and its just so hideous, LOL. Its all I see.
  8. "Star Wars The Old Republic" Trademark Application "Entertainment services provided on-line by means of global and local area networks, namely, providing interactive computer game software, interactive video game software and interactive computer games and interactive video games, all on-line by means of global and local area networks”
  9. Yeah, that was... different.
  10. Can ya do anything about the Colossus armor, DH? LOL
  11. Uh, I think there are some armor mods out, and an achievement modifier that is leading to a save game editor, but, I haven't seen any major work yet. Its early though, game hasn't been out that long.
  12. Thankfully, the community on the Bioware site is usually on top of these things. If they don't come up with a work around, they get enough attention from the powers that be to look into it. A patch is in the works.
  13. "Bring Down the Sky" is being held up for the PC because of a single, hard to squash bug. They aren't saying what it is, only that it should be out soon (along with a patch to fix some other issues). No word yet on what the next DLC will be.
  14. And so bad... That's a definite, "Oh please, don't tell me that is the answer, that is really lame."
  15. There is more DLC on the way (for 360 and PC), and I believe (and please correct me if I am wrong) they are talking about a spring 2009 release for ME2. And I missed all the chatter in the 360 thread, as I am not a owner of one.
  16. Ok, so, its been out on the 360 for a bit now, and came out for the PC a month and a half ago. I was away for June, but picked up when I got back home (for the PC). Great game, reminds me of a cross between KotOR, Halo, and Starflight. I am praying we'll see another KotOR game from Bioware using this engine, the game is brilliant. I'm on my second playthrough. Anyway, surprised we haven't had a post on this game yet. I cannot recommend this game enough.
  17. 5 bucks says they use the Legioss designs.
  18. I don't think it will, and I am not sure it needs one. Not sure I want one, either.
  19. "Genesis Climber MACROSS"
  20. Well, one of two things is going to happen: Either its not going to happen at all, or they are saving it for the big climatic battle. I'm outting my money on it happening during a slugfest between the Frontier and Galaxy fleets.
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